I want my kids home schooled. boy 7 girl 13. They go to school 10 hours a day and Im sorry but I see no results in that. I think here in the PI its just away of baby sitting your kids. Does anyone have any info on this? Their grandparents are poor and uneducated, their mother is poor and uneducated. I want to break them out of this circle of poverty but to do that you have to have a good education. and IMHO they're not going to get it by going to a normal school here.
I came across this article some time ago, Glad I kept the details, Hope it helps you some. Homeschooling in the Philippines: FAQs and Tips for Parents - Preschooler | SmartParenting.com.ph JP
This link seems no longer to work ... so does anyone have any personal experience, know someone who does or has any up-to-date information regarding home schooling generally or in this area. Thanks, Steve
We are thinking along the same lines,the schooling is really bad here. The last report we went to the teacher told me her english was a1,i put her right on this and told her,her english was a1 before she came to this school along with maths.most of rhe teachers are grads and have no experience at all with teaching! Dancing and singing and the fav is days off!
You might approach member DaveD as he has spent some time investigating it in March of last year. There is probably a thread on DI. I got this link for a friend who home schools. It has a lot of information. HSLDA: Homeschooling Advocates since 1983
Suggested alternative, check out Don Bosco school. My child is learning math, reading, language in nursery 2, a year before kindergarten.
I appreciate your concern for the kids. Yes, it is true that many schools are wasting parents' time and money with the little education the kids are getting. However, there are benefits of sending children to real schools where they interact with other kids their age. Homeschooling is good if you get a real good teacher who can provide a wholistic education to your kids.
Here's an archive of the link above https://web.archive.org/web/2015060...-in-the-philippines-faqs-and-tips-for-parents