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Greedy Landlords

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by The Dane, Jul 2, 2007.

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  1. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Just wondering how much would the cost of solar panels be ? must be cheaper
    and quieter than a noisy generator. Can one purchase thees in Dumaguete or
    maybe Cebu? If you move house one can take with you. they wont run aircon
    but fans, lights,laptop, etc. just a thought, dont want to keep you in the dark.hehehe :rolleyes:
  2. Columbo

    Columbo DI Junior Member

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    very strange discussion

    Such kind of discussions leads to nowhere. How can you discuss about value if one says 7000 rent is enough and another one finds 30000 even small. No-one is right or everyone is right, only future will tell.
    If inflation counts the buyer has right, if a tsunami comes the renter is right, if the dollar is going down the buyer is right, if he goes up the renter is maybe right. If the family is bad the renter is right, if the family is good the buyer is right. And if I die early my family is having a house.
    So many IF'S

    My guess in future is that in my time tsunami's will not happen in Dumaguete, my family is good, I think material-prices go up, the peso will be reasonally stable in value (unless I will keep my Euro's). Besides, I like my own place the way I find it comfortable, I do not like landlords so that's why I build my house for less than 2 million, a price I can afford to lose without getting broke. And if I am wrong so be it.
    I am a simple man who is making his own choices, just reading/hearing tips to make te best choice which I think is good, I do not need to win a discussion.
  3. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    Just a lil pause here from work just to comment

    Jimeve,this is interesting idea to resort into solar energy / solar panels for extra power.We thought of the same possibility of solar energy use as top up in case of power failure when having a house there ,would not come as cheap though but I think can be worth the price,esp with lot of brown outs in the area.One our expat friends who owns one of the resorts Siaton used solar power initially to light up his resort ,and I think still on now.In Turkey,time we were there I've noticed many households do use solar enery and seem very common and was said for heated water.Might be good idea if it can heat up a swimming pool too ,will save more electric bills.
  4. yabs

    yabs DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    well its only in the last few years rents have gone up
    and thats duie to stupid foreigners who don't know the correct amounts to pay
    3 years ago a nice house could be had for 5000
    mine for 7000 is in daro and very very nice and comfortable
    2 bedrooms and large living room plus two toliet/showers
    if you pay more than 10,000 for a place then you are being ripped off unless
    you aRE VERY EXTravagant and obviuosly have tatses not suitable to the third world and should stay in the west
  5. davis4121

    davis4121 DI Junior Member

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    Anyone who can afford P40k a month can also afford $45k a month. And if P40k is $800 then P45k is $900 at the original peso/$ rate. At todays rate it is about $980, but you can hardly blame your landlord for currency fluctuations.

  6. yabs

    yabs DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    I'm really having a hard time undertsanding why anyone would psend 40000
    on a place in dumaguete if they are not so loaded they don't care about money
    conseidering most expats are here foir retirement and good jobs
    for foreignerds are virtually non existent then how could anyone afford this?
    as gary says if you can afford 40 then 45 should also be no problem
    this place must be like a hotel with swi mming pool etc
    at leASt 10 bedrooms?
  7. davis4121

    davis4121 DI Junior Member

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    Not sure why, but I cannot see any of the replies to this post. I can see the replies to other posts e.g Rev Robinsons post on dumaguete.
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Hi pickled, done a little searching and got a price for 700 watts solar power ,
    180,000 peso thats two thousand pounds just for backup of brown outs.
    wondering if it would be alright if he advertized on this forum.
  9. jss

    jss DI Member

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    why not??

    I am SURE its not like a hotel or has 10 bedrooms. Its just overpriced. And why u cant understand y people would spend about $1thou per month on rent? There ARE people who saved enough money and had a nice job that gives them good pension. WHy should they downgrade their lifestyle just because they are living in phil? I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with people spending money left and right, even if they are overpriced. They have all the right in the world to do so. I DO have problem with overpriced goods and services... so my beef is with the SUPPLIERS, not the consumers like dane...
  10. jss

    jss DI Member

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    Comparative cost effectiveness??

    I think its valuable to many members if you told us who taht person is, so that we can find out more about solar system.
    Anyway, i really have no idea about cost-benefits of generator (upfront + on-going upkeep and diesel/unleaded costs) versus solar (which i assume only has upfront cost and no on-going costs). This would be very interesting to know because I am getting kind of concerned abut the constant brownouts that many members are complaining aboue...
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