I don 't see what all the fuss is about with your hopes and dreams and such, but I'll stand up and be the first to crush em'...kinda like what GREEN BAY will do in the Super Bowl.
Pulled this from the archives....Gotta hand it to you, TFA. Your pick's looking good! Better than mine:(
Greenbay Just by the hair of their chinny chin chin. With Greenbay being such anew team in respect of rebuilding, i think everyone, including Farve is pretty surprised. When Farve is interviewed after each game he keeps saying basically, that they've been fortunate. I think he's right, because the schedule they got this year will enable them to at least make the playoffs, but as much as a supporter as I am, I'm realistic enough to admit they will fall in the playoffs. For now though, I'm enjoying the ride and having fun watching Farve have a great last season. I think it's great for him to go out on top like this, I just wish the supporting cast were as strong. Tom
wow, it's been awhile since I've been online. We've been away enjoying life but are back home now. The pack made the playoffs, but don't have homefield advantage in the playoffs because they screwed up big time in the last game and lost to the bears. At least they are still strong with few injuries and should look good in the playoffs. All they need is some real good coaching to get them into the superbowl (from the stands, ha!)