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coup in Manila

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by RHB, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. OP

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    Well, I was hoping the initial posts of mine would be of interest to some Filipinos living abroad. I was glued to the TV trying to post real time. However, what looked like a coup, was really political theatre. I have a lot of very interesting observations after watching this thing unfold live. Not really something I want to go into here, but just say I learned a lot.
  2. Kalag

    Kalag DI Junior Member

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    What did I say? I said that; 'They are starting a movement to petition the US Supreme Court to change the provision in the law.' It means the written law in the constitution. Even if Arnold S. is up only to a governor of California I don't think Californians are stupid. Are the Filipinos stupid for electing Erap or are there power hungry Filipinos who wanted Erap ousted?
  3. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Ummm.....never over estimate the American people. This generation has lost the way a long time ago. Apathy is the name of the game because there is no vested interest because the people don't think there is any benefit to being involved, thus corruption runs rampant, not only in the PI but here in the U.S. The only difference here in the states is that politicians do a much better job dressing it up and seemingly making it acceptable. Eventually changes will come there and here but I think something significantly traumatic has to happen in the political arena before people get up enough energy to actually use the voice that was given to us long ago.
  4. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Sorry, but the Supreme Court has nothing to do with it. The constitution can only be changed with a proposal by either two-thirds majorities of both houses of congress or two-thirds of the states' legislatures, and then it has to be ratified by by three-fourths of the states' legislatures or conventions in that many states.

    I'm telling you, it won't happen.
  5. OP

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    In that the Supreme court of the U.S. appointed GB in his first term, effectively short circuiting the electoral process, it is easy to understand why they might start abrigdging the constitution in other areas as well. Nothing would surprise me.
    By the way John Roberts the currently appointed chief justice , (by GB) was the lawyer who advised the Bush campaign at the time of the Florida debacle to go to the Supreme court. Sound like the Philippines?
  6. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Oh, don't get me started on Bush...too late. I live in Texas, so I saw the way Bush and Karl Rove work way before the rest of the country. And as for the Supreme Court, I wouldn't take any important issue to them right now. There are too many Bush/Reagan appointees there who think the constituion is a quaint institution. Getting back to Dubya, I was trying to tell people about him before he became governor and before he became president. I was protesting the war before it started. And as for the economy, we'll be in his debt forever! He has systematically dismantled the EPA, FDA, FEMA, FAA, mishandled Korea, taken us away from the peace negotiations in the Middle East (until this late half-baked effort for photo ops to make himself look good before he leaves), backed out of the Kyoto treaty, committed torture and atrocities on millions all while easing the tax burden on the rich and regulations on big business. Truely the best president we've had for the last seven years (not because he's the only one we've had, but because the other one has been Cheney, co-president and commander in real-time). They've lied and people have died.
  7. Kalag

    Kalag DI Junior Member

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    Sounds like you want me to change my opinion. So if I say that Californians are stupid for electing Arnold S. that is a more correct opinion. We in the Philippines is electing class A actor like Erap while in the US elected a class B actor in the person of Reagan, so Americans also are more stupid. Is that acceptable? Hehehe....
  8. Kalag

    Kalag DI Junior Member

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    The SC has something to do with it. When I said 'petition the SC to change the law' is to look or ask for legal opinion. But the final verdict is within the American people. If the decision 'to change' is offered to the American people who knows.... Dios por santo!!! the stupid Americans will accept it, then Arnold S. will become the American president. Hehehe.....
  9. Kalag

    Kalag DI Junior Member

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    Yeah.... You cannot be wrong on that. Bush is trying to make it lean more to conservative views. Look at the Philippine SC! It became into a leftist activist SC. Imagine Chief Justice Davide jr. sworn in a person [GMA] as president not elected by the people in front of an unruly mob. Tsk... tsk... tsk.....
  10. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    You obviously don't know how the American government works. You said they petitioned the Supreme Court to change the law. Only congress can change the law. The Supreme Court can't change any law. They only interpret it. The stipulation in the constitution that bans foreign-born people from the presidency is too plain to interpret any other way. The Supreme Court is out of the picture. The only way he could be president is with an amendment to the constitution. I'm telling you it won't happen. Kalag, I don't mean to insult you. I just know how the law is. Arnold will never be president. You can take that to the bank.
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