Dumaguete Info Search

Time for new Introductions.

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by grandpainak, Jan 29, 2008.

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  1. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +9 / 1
    Twelve years of blissful married life with my hubby Chris who has just retired as a Financial Consultant of LLoyd's TSB Bank in the UK. My name is Sarah, a filipina and currently working as a Supervisor in a US Retail Co. It's already in our agenda to retire in Dumaguete as we have bought a lot next to "The Lady's Garden" across Jo's Inato by the Sea. We both enjoy most things, like food, music,travel, night out with family and friends and just have a laugh.
    Hopefully, we will be seeing you guys in May, either the DI Meeting or the jamming session at Devlin's....I can't wait to see you all in person behind the nickies....:D :wink::D
  2. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    +13 / 0
    I'm Tim. Timn8ter is not a reference to Ahnold but to a Saturday Night Live sketch by Rob Schneider.
    50 year old U.S. citizen residing just south of Seattle, WA, working downtown providing IT support to a not-for-profit corporation. Born in Seattle but raised in the furtile and (then) peaceful Puyallup valley, world renowned for daffodils and hops.
    My wife Alegria is from Barangay Don Pedro, Malasiqui, Luzon. She was a resident alien in the U.S. when we met and has since become a U.S. citizen. She works at the same company I do but as a legal assistant.
    We've made several trips to the Philippines over the last 11 years and have a move planned for 2011.
    We'll be looking around the Visayas primarily so Negros is high on the list for a place to settle down. We're both fed up with life in corporate America and have no problem living the simple life. I have no illusions about life in the Philippines having spent most of my visits living the provincial lifestyle. We hope to be able to live "off-grid" and as self-sufficient as possible. I hope to get serious with all my plans to live with a very small environmental footprint, after all, if I want the world to change I have to start with myself.
  3. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    I'm next , :wink:

    real name: norsita (dumaguetenia ) , 40 yrs. younger, Filipina, live and work , as nursing aid, in an old age institution, manage by the government of quebec. I'm here since 2000. I 'm lucky to have a job that i love and injoy doing. Member of this forum , since late last year. Not exactly from dumaguete. My home town is in the other side, Negros occidental . DUMAGUETE is surely my target town to retire. It has the water and mountain, For that , i am contented.
    Hopefully, this thread will freshen up, and will get raid of all the double , triple names of user.
    Grandpa, hurry...!to you bow:D
  4. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    +2 / 0
    Here I am, I'm daffne have a german boyfriend who is a business consultant (south east asia).I worked before in dubai, now i travel a lot with my boyfriend.Im not from Dumaguete but have a close contact with my relatives in dumaguete because my mother come from there, I also bought a land there.
  5. ronin

    ronin DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +1 / 0
    Name: Gene (Ronin were in Japanese history, masterless samurai)
    Country of origin: US
    Not married but have a significant other...my honeyko :smile:
    Currently renting a place in Dumaguete on Taclobo Road
    Travelled throughout Luzon and just starting to explore this region
    Occupation: US Military (retiring very very soon) currently involved in Homeland Security activities. I get to see ALOT of the country..I spend most of my time living out of a suitcase.
    Interests: after 24 years of serving and growing up an army brat....i'm frightened to death to slow down and settle in one spot. Hope to explore more of dumaguete and the region. Rhoody said he was going to help me get my scuba certification....i have an adventure addiction that i'm going to have to satisfy. i also can't wait until i have time to spend listening to these jam sessions you guys keep talking about.
    Hope to see you all soon!

    ps....anyone needing a slightly used army officer...i'm available :D
  6. Sama

    Sama DI New Member

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    hi, my name is Hermann, I am a 41 year old Austrian single, and am staying in Dumaguete for only 10 days now. I lived for 13 years in the dominican republic, but I left this place a year ago, because it was getting more and more dangerous there, to much crime, drugs and guns.....

    In the last year I travelled around a lot in Europe and Asia, but now I am getting tired of the travelling and am looking for a place to stay for longer.

    Dumaguete looks to me as a good place for that, like it has a lot what I like, not to big, not to small, stille reasonable, a beutiful nature around the town, and a quiet good mixture of fillipino-life and expads and tourists.

    I still do not know to masny people around here but I hope I am going to change that fast, and find a nice gorup of people around here.

    At least I will stay 3/4 month here befor I decide if I stay for longer or if I try somewhere else.
  7. shanie

    shanie DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    hi everyone! now,its my turn..

    i just joined the forum,im truly a newbie here..heheheh.Anyways,let me introduce myself..Im Shanie,20years old.Im a Nursing Assistant but im working in one of the callcenters in Cebu right now.Hahaha..See the job i got after i graduated?its not even related with my profession.Im currently handling customers from Canada,but used to handle US,as well.Im a pure Dumaguetnon.I finished my studies in Duma.My family lives there,that's why i keep on going home during my rest days..There's no place like home,its so true!

    Ive been hoping to go to Canada and practice my profession there.Hmmm..
    I think that's all for me now,its so nice to be a part of the forum.And i hope to hear from all of you so soon! God bless and Takecare..
  8. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    Hi folks john by name hence john boy
    Born in Liverpool UK and was a widower till I met Ludycita 7years ago been married 4 years now and still on our honeymoon.
    Joined the forum to find more out about Negros as planning retirement in two years time.after various jobs during my youth settled down in Royal Mail for 30yrs before semi retiring 3yrs ago.Interests are photography travel good food and quiet places...Ludy likes big city's and shopping (they say opposites attract!) really we love each others company and never stop laughing.
    One thing I hope to see in my lifetime is World Peace.
  9. alexynne

    alexynne One Hit Wonder?

    Trophy Points:
    +0 / 0
    Hello everyone! I'm also a newbie here. I came across this website when I was searching for what's new in Dumaguete. I just miss Dumaguete so much! I'm currently in Xiamen,China working in a stone company as a Sales Manager. I grew up in Dumaguete City, from my childhood years to my teen years and studying in a prestigious school like Don Bosco and Silliman University was one of the best experiences. I should thank my parents for transferring in Dumaguete because we used to reside in Cebu but things didn't go so well so my parents decided to transfer to Dumaguete which was obviously a perfect pick! I just miss Dumaguete so much that even if Im still young (28) Im gonna go back there soon coz I'm gonna get married there and hopefully settle there for good! I had a nice life back then..I used to sing and play the acoustic guitar at Hayahay for about 3 years, Elcamino and Barefoot for a few months and I really loved what I was doing. It was just the itch for adventure of going to another place that brought me here in China. Soon I'll be back home, as the saying goes "There's no place like home!". I miss the tempura and balot by the boulevard. I miss Reggae Wednesday's at Hayahay..beer, pizza..chicken halang halang, I miss jogging by the boulevard and watch the sun rise. I miss riding my motorcyle and make an OBT (one big turn/ tuyok) as what we Dumagueteños quaint it. There are still tons of things that I miss about Dumaguete and well for all of you who are planning to retire in Dumaguete, well you've made the perfect choice
  10. mrsteve38

    mrsteve38 DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +0 / 0
    My go....

    mrsteve38, fairly new to this forum, (I often post my "Tales from My Barrio" stories on the Thorn Tree and talesofasia sites).
    No longer 38 alas, getting near to the big five O! Married to Elsa (only 5 years younger than me, I'm not a paedo)!
    Have been a labourer, clerk, DJ, bar manager, social worker/teacher/counsellor.

    The mrs is a qualified radiographer/X Ray technician who worked in hospitals in Manila and Saudi. We are currently both in London where the mrs has a job as a care assistant in an old peoples home. she applied to the NHS for a job as X ray tech here, went to one interview where they asked her if she could lift heavy boxes, she told then she was looking for an x ray job, not a porter.
    Anyway, where she works is only 5 minutes from home and there are about 20 other Filipinas working there...

    We have a house in Cavite Province (about 2 hours by bus to Manila), and are currently buying a place in Bayawan which is the home town of the mrs.
    We both love Dumaguete, and hope to be over there in a few months for a little vacation...
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