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Disturbing news article

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by ronin, Feb 16, 2008.

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  1. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I agree to some certain points, but if somebody says dumaguete has "two perfectly acceptable private hospitals I have to step in.

    It is not about a ferry from Moalboal to Siquijor. It is about personal health and life. The basic treatment there is ok, but please, if you have something simple like an appendix,go somewhere wher docs know what they do...

    Lasy weeks expierience: A doc of one of the two perfectly acceptable private hospitals told a pregnant friend of mine, that stretchmarks are coming from the itchy skin, when the woman is scratching it.... HELLO??? I am probably undereducated, cause I thought it comes from the fast growing and streching weak skin in a few month...
    Welcome to Dumaguete Hospitals... I rather do easy operations by myself with online instructions ... If you have anything more than a pimple on your butt, go somewhere you get treated by docs who know what they are talking about.

    Yes there are some good docs in the Hospitals, and as a long-nose they may treat you cause your bill will be way higher then a normal local one, but If you can walk or travel, go to Cebu or Manila


  2. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    Another dismal reality for the abused Filipino citizen by the government and another good reason for expats to do plenty of planning before moving to the Philippines.
    Two important points:
    -Have reserve funds for medical emergencies and transportation to an airport.
    -Have basic first aid/CPR training and supplies handy.
  3. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    ie, when you're in medication please, check it out if it is available in Dumaguete pharmacies and know a doctor best for you.
  4. fundiver198

    fundiver198 DI Forum Adept

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    Dumaguete vs. Cebu

    I agree that as a foreigner (i.e. with money in the bank) one should go to Manila or to Cebu in order to get the best possible treatment of a serious medical condition. Or perhaps all the way back "home" for e.g. an operation.

    Personally however, I have only met competent doctors in the two private hospitals in Dumaguete, so I have nothing to complain about there. Whereas a friend of mine actually ran into a quite incompetent one in a high-profile hospital in Cebu. This doctor correctly diagnosed, that he might have "bubbles in his body" (decompression sickness), but then prescribed, that this could be cured by taking medicine.

    For those familiar with diving, no further comments should be necessary. So I guess, that much depend on, which doctor one is lucky or unlucky to run into.
  5. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    Just to moderate the disagreement here, If the quality of medical care in Dumaguete is your biggest concern, reasearch the local scene personally before moving, and for any other reasons or concerns you have.

    One can find medical horror stories everywhere, even in the U.S. The level of care in Dumaguete is not consistent nor are the doctors equally competant, but there are good, and even excellent doctors here. I know several who have actually trained and worked in the U.S. So the keyword here is ask around and do your research.

    Blanket statements either way are probably inaccurate. One cultural difference here is that families have unlimited access to paitent areas. This means the sanitation issue might be of some concern to expats used to squeaky clean hospitals. Family members are welcome to sleep with or near sick relatives and bring in food arlticles of clothing etc. This goes for public and private wards. Private rooms which are available but cost more are available in the two better hospitals.

    If you have a serious chronic condition requiring a specialist, and you are thinking of moving here, look first before making your descision. The good news is there is an air connection to Manilla and ferries and Land Transport to Cebu from Dumaguete.

    Rather than debate the issue, maybe we can come up with a list of competant doctors here in Dumaguete, this could really put the forum to work for prospective expats. I am sure there are expats here with valuble specific information about the Doctors here.

    Maybe at the next DI meeting we can meet in a place where folks can actually sit together, ideas can be exchanged, and formal introductions can be done. Rather than just congrgate at a pub and drink beer, not to exclude the beer:D . If the local DI members actually get to know each other and network, something good might evolve. I know there are others that might respond.
  6. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    +1,220 / 240
    I can't speak for the level of competency in the Dumaguete Hospitals,but here in the Uk and my home town we have quite a number of Fillipino Nurses and at least one Doctor who is a friend.
    The standard of Care at my local hospital is excellent and a lot of people comment about the "hard working dedicated Fillipina Nurses and Carers".
    to be honest I am shocked to hear of your concerns about Doctors in Dumaguete!! and it certainly is something to consider if living there..JB
  7. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    Swany...first of all I am sorry to hear of the death of your brother my condolences to your family.
    Thank you for pointing out the problem that exists in the USA, all to often I hear people talking of how much better life is in the states when in fact like here in the UK we have homeless people and poverty too.
    Some Filippinos will find that hard to believe due to family OSW or foreigners spending large amounts when on holiday in PI.
  8. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    As stated in the article that was the start of this thread, most of the GOOD talent goes overseas where they can earn enough money to buy more than plain rice. However, the level of competency required to pass the tests to go overseas leave all but the cream of the crop here.

    It also seems to be true that Filipinos working overseas are generally much better workers overall than those that are here. This may have something to do with incentive. ALL the Filipinos I worked with in the US were very good workers, dependable, talented, and honest. But here...?

    No further comment.

  9. Swany

    Swany DI Senior Member

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    John boy, thank you so much for the words of sympathy to my family. You are a sensitive and kindhearted person. Thank you.
  10. spectre

    spectre DI Member

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    a friend of mine who used to work as an ER-nurse at NOPH told me that they were short of available doctors and supplies. sometimes, they had to prioritize those that had a higher chance of survival. kinda unfair but it was all they could do with what they have. he eventually had to leave because it wasn't easy dealing with relatives of the people who could have lived but didn't because they lacked support.
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