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Discussion in '☋ Photo Board ☋' started by PhilT, May 5, 2008.

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  1. PhilT

    PhilT DI Member

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    Hello, Yes its me again. Some time in the future I will sort out my old photos and post a few on here.

    Now I am not trying to be funny here or pour cold water on stuff here, BUT I think its not right to post photos that you took of strangers/ public up close and their identities are known this is an invasion of privacy, did you ask those people if you could take them and also tell them you would post them on the internet? its okay if its at a distance or their faces are not seen but close up shots is not on in my book, I would not do that myself, it just makes me feel uneasy, thats me anyway, and also if I saw my relatives on a photo here I would not like it In my experience Filipinois are a bit uneasy on photo taken at random, they usually pose properly for pics but do not like informal photos like some of these here, even more so video taking, they hate it! What is okay is Eg the sunset shots with the sillouette shot of the guy on the rock, thats fine as it could be anybody but the boulevard shots are out of order. I would not do that myself, and I would not expect anyone in those shots to like it either. Okay thats my thoughts.

    I will now go and don my tin hat and wait for the shells to come wizzing over my head now! lol Its only my opinion.
  2. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Hi philt, I can see your point, some folk don't want thire faces splashed
    all over the internet.
  3. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I hope the TV stations ask each person at a football-stadium before they broadcast... or at free public events when celebreties are somewhere in the streets and shake hands with close ups shots on TV... I am sure they all give the permit personally while Live on BBC... :rolleyes:

  4. davfitz

    davfitz DI Forum Adept

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    I don't mind "wading in" on this one. I'm guilty both of taking unsolicited photos and of posting selected ones of those here.

    It all boils down to, IMHO, what is one's reasonable expectation of privacy and how that should be respected by photographers.

    I'll illustrate my point, if both my software and the forum's co-operate. I've posted or at least attempted to post a photo here of a woman and child. I asked this person if I could photograph her and her grandchild. I did not ask her if I could post the photo here. Should I have done so?

    I do not have a signed model release for this photo. Will this be where it all will end? I hope not as no candid photos would then never be taken. Hopefully common sense will prevail. This woman, like myself and my party, were dining at a well-known facility next to Sea Forest. I believe that we all had a reasonable expectation of privacy and that is why I asked her permission before I shot the picture. I did NOT ask her if I could post the photo in Dumaguete Forum. Similarly, the moderator here published it without ensuring that I had done so.

    I recently posted candid photos taken along Rizal Boulevard. In most cases, I took those photos without permission. IMHO, I did not need to as this is a public place and people had a more limited expectation of privacy. Should I have chased each person down and sought permission? Should I have followed this up by asking each to sign a pre-printed model release and carefully filing each release in perpetuity, just in case someone asked for it?

    On a personal side, my posts here of my photos - my property - which I am sharing with you is entirely at my own risk. I risk the possibility that any one of you might steal my intellectual property and sell it with NO compensation to me. I'll take that risk.

    This is also the first time that I have EVER posted any of my photos on a public forum anywhere. Were I considerably less thick skinned, I might retire to my cave and weep for days at the implied criticism and never post a photo again. Is this the course of action I should take?

    My thanks to PhilT for raising the issue.
  5. davfitz

    davfitz DI Forum Adept

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    Here's the photo - I hope.

    Attached Files:

  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I can ensure you that there is no issue at all. read my post above and think about... All TV station and newspapers are doing illegal stuff ??

    We are involved a few more boards (not only DI) and are quite familiar with the legal situation. The only issue I ever had on DI was a copy/paste post of an article without permission of the agency(copyright). So I took it off and informed the poster (who is responsible for his post, not the DI team)
    The same would be done if anybody wants his picture removed. It is absolute legal to post this pictures if they don't break any laws (racism, violence, sexuality, and so on).

    Hope this is clarified now...

  7. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    I hope it does not bother you too long Davfitz.
    All individuals have own opinion and thats their good right.
    But what should the paper, TV , film etc. be terribly boring if they had to ask all the pictured people for their agreement first.
    Of course there are reasonable limits so people can not be hurted.
    But a laughing woman with her child or an old unshaved man or a child with its finger in his nose or ......... ??? ( I fantasize only).
    I guess most of them will be really proud (if the pic is taken with feeling for art) to see themselves portraited on this way.
    Please go on with posting pics.
  8. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Dav, I'm not sure if the post was directed at you or not, and it is a good issue to touch on every once in awhile, but for little ol' me, I personally haven't seen anything wrong with what you've done, and I'm certainly one of your photo fans. I hope you will continue to share your pictures on their forum in the future.

  9. OP

    PhilT DI Member

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    Good point Rhoody...but the wrong point... you said it yourself...a PUBLIC event on PUBLIC TV thats totally different circumstance. What about if Rhoody was walking along the boulevard, and someone snapped you with a camera what would you say to that person? I know what I would say.....what the hell are you doing? But thats maybe a western approach to it, Pinay are not like that, but thats not to say they do not like it anymore...The photos are okay and may be taken innocently, but if I came around the corner from hypermart and saw a foreign guy taking photos of children who are obviously not connected to him, I would say hmm thats might funny. As a matter of fact at a glance I thought they were my 2 nieces, on second look I was mistaken, but they DO live close by there.

    so you see its all a matter of how you see it, also Rhoody I was not talking so much about the LEGAL aspect of it as the MORAL aspect. IS IT RIGHT AND PROPER. In my book, NO

    But I am not taking this out on the photographers as I am sure they mean no harm, but I would not feel right to take those pics myself, and surely not to put them up on the internet. Hey why do you not take a pic of your in laws? brother in laws, sister in laws etc etc that would be much better! OF COURSE ask them first mind!
  10. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    The law protects individuals from having their photos posted on the internet without permission. The problem lies with knowledge thereof and enforcement.

    When i was photographing professionally for print media, every shot of every person that was recognizable, had to be released personally by the person being photographed, most major print publications require it.

    Internet has diluted the mix somewhat. but common sense says that anyone likely to see his or her picture needs to give permission for that picture to be published online, does it happen? No, for the most part.

    Here in the Philippines one has to exercise personal discretion, I take photos of street scenes all the time with candid portraits of local people. If they pose for me, I tell them I might put the photo on my blog, and offer to bring them a print, that works fine. If I have no reasonable expectation that they will ever see their photo or care, I don't bother. Simple as that.

    An innocent snap of people on the street has little implication of malice or intent to do harm. Now if one were to post nude pictures of their neighbor on the net, that becomes liabel, and is a different issue. If you take a picture of someone and they say don't do that, don't, and don't publish it.

    If you take a photo on the other hand, you own it, and it is your intellectual property. If someone reuses that photo without permission it is illegal, online, in print whatever. Digital watermarking has helped stopped this online, but it is almost impossible to control.

    I had a guy threaten to sue me because I posted something from You tube on my blog that he had shot. Clearly you give up your rights to ownership and copy right when you post to you tube, it is so stated in their lengthy policies page. He did not understand that until I sent him the page. Still, since he asked, I referenced his authorship as a courtesy. Who needs enemies.
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