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US Dollar vs Philippine Peso

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by lostinterpreter, Dec 9, 2007.

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  1. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    This MIGHT be a tolerable situation IF the OFWs were NOT coming from the best and the brightest the country has to offer. Unfortunately this is leading to a "brain drain" and those left behind are increasingly dependent on remittances. Not the kind of stuff a stable, growing economy can be based on.

    So true. To expand on that, we have not had to share in the pain of those that have sacrificed for this travesty. During WWII for example we were asked to sacrifice certain commodoties and even food to support the war effort. These days we get tax cuts. What a "wonderful" time to be an American. Most of us can sit back on our comfy couches while those that joined the military sacrifice their lives.
  2. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    Only partof it, the decimation ofthe Philippine family unit, the reinforcement of not working and getting your monthly check, Now the Government here is institutionalizing the selling of kidneys for organ transplants abroad, turning desparate Filipinos into organ farms.

    Second half quote, This is by design, its the only way to prevent another reaction like that to the Vietnam war. send the national guard, avoid a draft, lower taxes, hide the reality of the war as much as possible from the public. Keep the press friendly by limiting their access if they misbehave, embed reporters to control them and limit what they report.

    But we are getting off topic I think :wink:
  3. up2u

    up2u DI Junior Member

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    US Dollar vs Philippine Peso.
    I think its a knockdown in the third round and the dollar is struggling to get to its feet
  4. brother john

    brother john DI New Member

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    re Politics (Hatred kills.!!!!)

    will leave it to you guys.
    If anyone knows the real answer to World Peace let me know.
    Am I right to be thinking of joining the Gentle People of Dumaguete?
    It is a well known fact that Politics and Religious intolerance are the main causes of War so forgive me for wanting a simple life.!!!!

    Sorry guys not been around for a while. It seems many people are so involved in there countries there wars politics etc. Many of you like myself have more days behind you than ahead get out there and help instead of talking if your beliefs are so strong Every little will help. May i add the following

    1. End the U.S. Occupation. Like Isaiah, we are called to raise our prophetic voice, saying that security cannot be achieved through military domination of one people over another. We call on one another to find genuine security in God, who insists that we build just relationships with all people. We call on the President and Congress to bring troops home from Iraq, to remove our military bases and to stop threats around our world

    2. Support the Troops. Like Jesus, who healed the sick and preached good news to the poor, Ouote Matthew 11:4-5 (New International Version)…(”Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.” are called).

    4, For us to be a pastoral presence what ever country. Let us call on one another to care for soldiers and their families who give so much of themselves in times of conflict. We call on the President and Congress to provide generous support for veterans and active-duty soldiers and their families as they seek to rebuild their lives.

    3. Rebuild Iraq. Quote- Matt. 5:44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... we are called to love our neighbours as ourselves and to care even for our enemies. The lives of our sisters and brothers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and across the Middle East have been turned upside down by the war. We call on one another to financially support relief efforts in Iraq through our denominations. We call on the President and Congress to lead the way in funding international reconstruction of Iraq and providing humanitarian aid for shattered Iraqi families, for experience in other conflicts has taught us that such assistance is the most effective path to real security for all people around the world.

    4. Say NO to Torture. Like the disciple who learned to put away the sword,(quote Matthew 26:52 Jesus said,( "Put your sword back where it belongs. All who use swords are destroyed by swords.")we are called to treat others as we want to be treated. We call on one another to learn and practice the discipline of active non violence: to resist violence and injustice and to construct the culture of peace and reconciliation that we all desire. We insist that our government treat all enemy combatants humanely and take decisive action to ensure that torture is banned by all agencies of the United States government.

    5. Say YES to Justice. Like Mary, who praised God for lifting up the lowly and filling the hungry with good things, we long for a world free from hunger, homelessness, environmental destruction, injustice, and oppression. We call on one another to do justice and show mercy to make our vision plain. We call on the President and Congress to create a federal budget that puts priority on meeting basic human needs instead of on making war. Let us together begin to fashion a just peace dividend that is both renewable and lasting.

    Read John The Bible says...

    "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20 .

    I am not a preacher Just a normal man who is still battling with what is happening around me and my family ( I even swore at a driver yesterday)

    God bless lets keep your forum peaceful.
  5. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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  6. brother john

    brother john DI New Member

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    Hi John Boy

  7. blackline

    blackline DI Forum Adept

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    I dont think that it will be too much to ask for too stop warfare bot in IRAQ and AFGANISTAN. It's remarkable that The US ave been involved in allmost any war since WW2.
    And try honestly to check what ever weapon the US is constructing these days.
    All of them more or less is constructed to be used on all other places than the US. They are what we call offencive weapons.We also know that in front off all going to war in the last, there is an intense propagandacampain in front.Afganistan: Asking of the Taliban to deliver Osama to the US.Taliban asked for hard avidence of his involment in 9/11.Colin Powell promised even the UN to deliver this "white paper". So far it's not delivered,not to the Taliban, not to the UN. In IRAQ it was the question of mass destructions weapons.War came,no operative weapon still found to this date(well some "nerve"gas granates, US prodused and given by them for the warfare with Iran var found burried in sand in a weapon graveyard)
    In the surge hat follow the war only one official building was protected.The Oil Ministery. What a Surprice!!!!.
    Nowadays IRAN is the next step.We all remember the English soldier "hijacking". For the one who dont believe these soldiers was in IRAN waters it is recomend to try Google Earth and see what is IRAQ waters.
    I as all of you I also wish that the IRANI people should get a democrazy government.But not throuh US military involvment. Just remember that the US removed the only voted for government IRAN ever had. President Mohamad Mosadec in 1953. An US-British coup leaded by CIA. Leader Kermit Roosevelt and the operation called "Ajax"
    Also that time this was about control over OIL resourses.

    Lets hope that the US economic problems these days will make them less "trigger happy" in their foreign policy.
  8. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    We, the members of the anti-war movement, try hard to gain the attention of our lawmakers and inform our fellow citizens but we're constantly drowned out by the major media and the two war parties.
    If you're referring to foreign wars you need to go back to the Spanish-American War and WW1.
    Unfortunately there's a disconnect in the thinking of most of the citizenry between waging war, the size of the federal government and a prosperous economy.
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