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I am so tired of hearing Expats complain.

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by Teacher, Sep 25, 2008.

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  1. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    Well said.

    re:The posting elsewhere about how smoke from a neighbors property was bothersome.

    I was surprised that this was somehow "new information".
    If you are a foreigner thinking about moving to the Philippines I suggest you leave your comfy Western style surroundings and spend more than a little time living "Pinoy Style" before committing to anything.

    Once again, not new information. This is fine in the context of informing someone what to expect but not in the vein of expecting something to change because you want it to.
  2. pecoskid45

    pecoskid45 DI Member

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    I am so tired of hearing Expats complain

    "If you think it's not for you, you always have a choice to go back to your own or go someplace else."

    You know, I've lived in a half dozen other countries and 60 years in the US,
    but this is the only place I've ever heard that. It seems to be a very common
    reply amonst Flips. I've probably met people from 20 foreign countries, but I've never told any of them to go back where they came from. To Firea, how many other countries have you lived in? How many jobs have you worked at? Just what is your life experience, besides "partying" ? What qualifies you to add your opinion? I'm just curious.
  3. barramac

    barramac DI Member

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    one of my wishes in life is to find out why so many old people complain so much. is it because they are bored, need attention or is it more sinister, damage caused by life's failed expectations etc. are they damaged or do they just enjoy misery

    i know some old boys and gals that hold court across all generations, at social gatherings, fascinating great fun. i asked a few why they were so happy and they just said 'enjoy your life'

    we can not avoid getting old(hopefully) but how can we avoid becoming whining, miseries that need to be avoided

    anyway it is the governments fault - always is. i love never been accountable
  4. firea

    firea DI Junior Member

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    Just to satisfy your curiosity. I was born and raised in the Philippines. I've lived here all my life. I have travelled to different countries for leisure, paid for by my own salary and not a pension :wink: How many jobs have I worked? I've had several, including holding mid-level management posts in 3 different blue chip companies that do business in the Philippines.

    Yes, you're right, I party and I party a lot. Lucky for me, I can afford to do so and I don't get arthritis afterwards :p

    What are my other life's experiences? Sorry my dear, I don't get too personal with strange old men. Better luck next time.

    What qualifies me to add my opinion?
    a. Isn't this a forum?
    b. The thread title is "I am so tired of hearing Expats complain". I am Filipino who can agree with the sentiments of the thread starter.
    c. I can think, talk and type. Like you, I have as much as every right that I voice my opinion here.

    And by the way, I think you haven't met a lot of people if you've only heard of that line from Filipinos.

    Just for kicks:
    Prime Minister of Australia

    You can also search in google and see how many people (of different nationalities) say it.
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  5. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    To the guest!!!

    To answer your question Firea is a DI member and has the right to say whatever she wants and you are a guest. And by the way the term “Flips” is a racist comment. I find it very rude. You should know better if you are married to a Flilpina. Firea probably knows more about Filipino people than you do. Just being married to a Filipina for 15 years doesn’t make you an authority in Filipino culture. Your statement:

    “But I've had this argument with my wife for 15 years. She won't complain when something is wrong, and when I do, I'm wrong. Go figure.”

    This shows you have learned nothing about filipino’s therefore try to understand don’t point fingers or tell them what they should do. It is not our place. Remember the old saying “you can’t fight city hall.” It came about for a reason. America was not always perfect and as we watch it crumble today nothing to be very proud about any longer. I mean really what do you want police only make a little over $100.00 a month. Everyone is underpaid and you expect the same service as America with only a fraction of the American budget get real. They do the best with what they have. When America had the same budget as the Philippines there were far less services to the people than the Filipinos offer.

    Filipino's do more with less than I have seen most other countries can do.
  6. Diver

    Diver DI Forum Adept

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    I agree with you Teacher.

    Only ask them why they come to the PI , because most of them have money to play the king in the Phils but in there own country they are just one of a million.
    Look at the newspapers in the werstern country's and you get realy sad.

    Greetings J.Diver
  7. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    Sounds like another forum member who asked, to make his "arguments" stronger:
    "what's your name ....your rank.... your number
    Can't see the need for such questions.
    But you got her answer meanwhile.
  8. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    I’ll add one more posting to this thread then call it quits.
    I doubt anyone will claim that things are perfect in the Philippines. There have been many foreigners visiting PI who get deluded with the idea of living in paradise while relaxing on the veranda, especially those who meet a delightful and beautiful woman. For those that have not done their research and committed to a life in the Philippines only to find out later things are not as they had hoped there will be little sympathy from others.
    For those who have spent considerable time learning the culture and environment and then decided to go ahead and make a similar commitment all these things being noted as “complaints” should not come as a shock.
    I’ve seen the “crazy” way Filipinos drive. I’ve spent many hours in an automobile with my bilas driving from Batangas to Baguio and points in between. You come to understand and accept this as part of life there. Nevertheless, it is tragic when someone loses their life. I have been witness to that in the Philippines and of course wish it were not so.
    I’ve spent many nights in the Province listening to dogs barking, roosters crowing at all hours, the “booming” of music from a wedding in another part of the barangay, the trucks, buses and jeepneys with no mufflers and believe or not, after enough time I was able to sleep through it all.
    The smoke from the neighbor’s fire is the same as the smoke from my family’s fire so I don’t find it unusual. It does make me aware that if I want to avoid the smoke from my neighbor’s fire I will need a considerable buffer zone. That is nothing compared to the smog in Manila which can make you ill. I will not go into Manila unless I have to but there are times when it’s necessary.
    Walking through the malls, down the sidewalks, on the ferries and in the airport there are people everywhere. I notice that everyone is moving rather slow in comparison to the pace of American cities. People mull around places that could make me wonder why they stopped there but when I slow down I find myself doing similar things.
    There is less concern for sanitation than I find in American cities but I attribute that to lack of education and perhaps a bit of “germ-o-phobia” that can be found in the West (Japan too).
    I’ve weighed all these things against staying or not and have decided the positives for me still outweigh the negatives. I don’t pretend to say all these things are good, they just are.
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  9. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    Sorry, one last thought.
    Some have suggested that their "complaints" are intended to bring change. If you would like to see change I doubt this forum is the place to make it happen. The first and best way to bring about change is to be the change you want to see. Secondly, you may want to consider getting involved in community projects when possible. There have been discussions on this very subject in the forum.
  10. chi town

    chi town DI Member Showcase Reviewer Air Force Active Duty

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    Once again Tim, another level headed, well thought out, well presented opinon offered. Thanks for bringing clear thinking to the subject.

    Chi Town
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