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What DumagueteInfo has done to me

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by Boom'E'rang, Nov 7, 2008.

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  1. Boom'E'rang

    Boom'E'rang DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    To what ever purpose this site has been created for, there is no doubt that it has served a lot of interests to people in different races around the globe.

    From its humble beginning of posting topics about fish and places around, now DI has become a crossroad to variety of Dumaguete-related informations. From simple chat to complex ideas, inquiries, appreciations, friendship, business, nature and even complaints, hatred, insult, etc., web surfers keep growing lively in numbers.

    DI has become a watch-window to a town not only for the inquisitive visitors but MOST especially Dumaguete’s home-grown sons and daughters who became expats in another part of the world.

    I for one see my town, feel at home, feel proud, relieved from nostalgia as I venture 5,000 miles away for a 2-long-skin-burning-year job. DI has helped me take a glance of my town at any time of the day.

    For this, my “THANKS” to DI are spoken wholeheartedly.

    Eventhough I have not contributed much in the post, I’d like the moderators know that almost everyday I check DI and I watch DI’s varying atmosphere from cool to intimidating.

    Though sometimes DI is spoiled by unpleasant realities and people of negative views in life and those who care less about gentleness, respect and peace, in general, DI has offered something good in the heart of Dumaguete's local and those who are abroad.

    Thank you creator and stars of DI, I hope to meet you guys to say my personal thanks in a month time.

    Keep the fun going and keep DI always a truly “Website of Gentle People!”
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
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    Thanks... Well... errrrmmm what should we say now....

    I try to make it short and try to explain why DI is what it is.

    When The Dane and the Outcast moved to Dumaguete in August 2006 they looked for information about the region. They found bits and pieces all over the net. Everything was there, but took ages to find it.
    All official pages were either not running or must have been designed by a ... nah, no insults, I know they always sneak inn to DI and wonder why we rank so good....:D

    All resorts and hotels are only mentioning them self and all "after-work-cause-there-is-nothing-else-to-do"-pages are exactly "after-work-cause-there-is-nothing-else-to-do"-pages.

    The basic idea was to create a website where people from all parts of the world find all they want and need on one single website.
    A website we all want to see when looking for a specific town or region and not the self-celebrating web-pages of Hotel and Resorts

    The two wrote hundred's of content-pages and DI was online on October 5th 2006. At that point already with more content and single pages than any other website about the region.

    To keep the information fresh they installed this forum where members can ask about things which were not on the content-pages. About two years ago I met the two at a little pub in Dauin. it took about 3 cases SML and SMB to become friends and a member of DI.

    In the next few month DI and our friendship grew also with each beer we had together.

    In May 2007 DI was already number one for the Keyword Dumaguete in Google and Yahoo (MSN is still a kind of ignoring us, but who cares, 90% of all searches worldwide are done with the first two)

    When the two had to leave (reasons covered in another thread) they took me finally on board as a partner (via Yahoo-chat) and in October 2007, one year after the start we reached 1000 unique visitors a day.

    In October 2008 we had the first few times 2000 visitors a day, this is for us totally unbelievable and all we can say is


    You guys are the big family who this page to a unique site about Dumaguete !!!

    We try to run the board on a very thin ice and I know sometimes are some cracks in it. We try to avoid political or racial crap but still try to have a quite open board.
    With the growth we need to run it a bit tighter to avoid spam-attacks and most got caught by our filters and plug inn. If once in a while one sneaks through please report it to us. We can't watch DI 24 hours...

    For myself I have to say, I am thankful AND proud being part of the DI family. I met during the last two years quite some of you and 99% are so wonderful and lovely personalities and with the other 1% I still can have a drink.

    One thing makes us really happy. Our statistics show that we also get more and more dumaguetenios/as on the board, who live here and participate actively. Thanks for that, no need to be shy

    DI is NOT an Expat-Board, it's for all interested in the City and whenever you see me around in the City kick me in the side and have a drink with me. If we do not meet, do it like John Boy and deposit a few cold ones for me in the Magic fridge of Coyotes. :D

    Anyway, I just looked at my watch..... BEER O' Clock... gotta go...

    Thank you again


  3. Teacher

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

    Trophy Points:
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    +10 / 0
    Two wonder posts

    Nice information to know. thank you guys.

    Oh Rhoody when I go I'll be sure to put a case in the magic frig for you...:cool:
  4. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +19 / 0
    I hope you have filled the case also with bottles.....of beer (SMB) :D
  5. OP

    Boom'E'rang DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +1 / 0
    …so the humble beginning of DI is actually BEER not fish.

    Got this little BEER culture to share…

    Somewhere in Tokyo I was invited to an acquaintance get together in a beer restaurant… (can’t remember the restaurant’s japanese name) and their with beer mug… MADE of ICE.

    In Japan it is a bad etiquette to fill the beer in your own mug or glass by yourself so you have to fill the mug of the person beside you and in return he will do the same. To start drinking, together each one raised the mug and had a word of cheer “KAMPAI” then just imagine how it is, when a pressurized beer, in a mug made of ice, in the middle of a humid summer time drains through your throat.

    Also, when a person wants to start acquaintance with you, he will come and put beer on your mug but before that, you have to empty the mug first.

    Since the ice mug melted in a short time it had to be replaced and it melted as fast as I got drunk in a short time.

    Is there any restaurant in Dumaguete which has a Beer Mug made of ICE? Or maybe someone has to start it if there is none...

  6. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +4 / 0
    that's a god idea, although "ïce glasses" seem too impractical as waste here is too expensive, unless you want to pay the same as a glass of beer in central tokyo, if you do want to pay that, i think you'd be in a minority of 1.

    i'll see if my glasses can be "frozen" but as most here are heathens and prefer to drink out of the bottle.... i dunno.
  7. Teacher

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

    Trophy Points:
    Gingoog City
    +10 / 0
    Awwww No problem

    Coyotes I need to order two case of beer. One for Rhoody and the other for Jelly-fish. PM the price. :cool:
  8. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    Hey Jellyfish hope Rhoody shared the beer I left for you both at Coyotes :smile:
    Arrived back in the UK yesterday maybe that wee dram next time
    regards john boy
  9. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +4 / 0
    they both drink san mig which is the same price light or pils, for them 2 it'd be 600 PHP (a whole case????) rhoody gets drunk on 4 bottles hahahah
  10. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +4 / 0
    ps the frozen glasses went down very well tonight
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