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Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by TheDude, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. Swany

    Swany DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +7 / 0
    Hey Dude, welcome to the university town! I'm sure you'll love it there. Dumagueteneos are friendly if the foreigners are also friendly to them. It's a two way street, mind you.
  2. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +4 / 0
    Hi all, thanks for your concern, yes the bar is shut for now!!!
    I plan to re-open it, as soon as i get back.
    BUT!!! IMHO lol i really think the "personal" matter should be discussed!

    basically as a warning to all, Gina had been having an affair with a pinoy guy, this as far as i know about had been going on for at least 1 year for sure and maybe longer, i'll never know.

    Her plan was to use my cash to open the bar, then shaft me, so that her and her boyfriend could have a happy life together.

    i trusted her totally, and stupidly let her buy everything and put everything in her name, S>T>U>P>I>D

    yes i was stupid, but in my defence, love does that!

    luckily i was warned, via email, that she was having an affair, but i truely think it was done by her boyfriend, who wanted to rush the seperation, i dunno maybe as his early christmas present!!

    the following link is to the guys profile, if you know him, i'd appreciate an email, letting me know, i'd really like to discuss a couple of minor points with him.

    MySpace.com - Kenneth Paul - 31 - Male - Cebu - www.myspace.com/kenrts

    or here, guy in green Friendster - kenrts's Photos - DSC00413.JPG
  3. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +8 / 0
    Sorry to hear about your problem. I know it is of little consolation but you have just joined a very long list of guys with similar experiences.
    I'm glad to hear your going to reopen. Look forward to seeing you back.

  4. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

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    +4 / 0
    Thanks for that, i'd be embarissed but i know i'm in good company lol

    she got nothing out of it, barring a new motor bike, so for me whatever i lost monetary wise, she got sod all, in my book it's a win.

    and if people can learn from my error it's a win for us all.

    i know she''s a minority, cos lots of filipinos have supported me through this period, and Natasha who owns the compound, where my bar was, has been a great support for me, which contradicts alot of bad press she has received on this site in the past, she's been wonderful with me as have many others that i met via the bar.
    sort of restores faith in the world, when i have been at my lowest point for along time.
  5. Teacher

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

    Trophy Points:
    Gingoog City
    +10 / 0
    Wonderful to see you back.

    I started to wonder if you where still kicking. Didn’t know what had happened to you. I am very sorry that you were taken advantage of; you always seem to be a very kind and caring person. So pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get back in the game.

    Don’t let life pass you by although I don’t think you would let it anyway. Think of the joys of a new relationship it always so wonderful at the beginning. Remember don’t be so trusting just because you in a different country people are always the same, just a different angle. Well as for me I have missed you here at the forum.
  6. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Florida and Dumaguete
    +73 / 5
    Keep on moving to your objective.

    What horrible, despicable, desperate people. I'll be they don't even know if they can trust each other if they will do that to another person. People like that usually end up in jail or very lonely so they will get what they deserve in the long run.

    Some lessons in life are harder than others and love can be one of the most difficult. Good luck in your future endevors.
  7. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +4 / 0
    Hi Teacher an Pedro, thx for your support, yes i'm still kicking lol, it did sort of knock the wind from my sails, but it also gave me an oppertunity to actually get out and see a little bit of the philippines, which i neither had time for or wanted to when i was setting up the bar.
    It all went so fast, actually deciding to get the bar, setting it up, getting it running how i wanted, to having the rug pulled out from under my feet.

    Looking back, i can see the signs that now seem so obvious, like her getting very well dressed up to go to "church", her going "shopping" for very extended periods, going to "visit" her friends and comming back very late!

    the worse thing for me is all the lies, even her "god fearing" family supported.

    and as for "ënd up in jail" ... i was the one who spent the night in jail, through her and her families lies.

    but anyhow that's now a chapter of my life that i hope is well and truely over now, the only time i want to see her again, is with more kids and no boy friend, cos it seems to me that is a fairly usual thing for a filipino guy to do.

    i just hope she never has the ability to trick anyone else into taking her, her son and her family into there hearts. :smile:
  8. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    +2 / 0
    happy new year to all! Wish you luck coyotes.The "SIGNS" you mentioned can also help others to be alert .That's part of life High and Low .But we always clever after bad times.
  9. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Coyote that is really terrible, don't worry they'll get their comeupence,

    in jail. hope everything works out fine for you, and all expats and Filipinos will support you.

  10. dennis1105

    dennis1105 DI Junior Member

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    +1 / 0
    I've been around this World for 63 years now and one thing is constant. "What goes around, comes around". I've seen it happen time and time again and it never fails....So, be of good cheer and enjoy the future!!!