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Why Not Manager!!

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by Tom87, Sep 26, 2008.

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  1. Maximus

    Maximus DI Member

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    They wouldn't be looking that good if they were in slippers :D
  2. kermit

    kermit DI Junior Member

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    when i had a diagreament about my bill (4000) i went to counter and asked to see my recipts for night thay gave them to me and i said ill keep these and check them later. no no you carnt we need them. so i said i payed for these, i have payed you go get someone to take these off me thay just looked at each other .no one moved so i said thank you very much and walked out. lol even security dont want to have a face to face argument and who can blame them probley on 200 a night.
  3. vangie

    vangie DI Junior Member

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    Cayote more power to you and your business:

    Hello Cayote, I came across your info bout Cayotes Bar you can count on me i will come to see your Bar not only visiting i hope i could meet you also in person. I heard your place already when i was there last year that was Nov.2008 i was dissapointed knowing your place was closed! I was informed by most people who know well your place. They told me that its was sad to know that you closed it.because it was a nice and good to hangout people who love to enjoy night life. Your place was one of a kind in town.You`ve got live music and fine discos which fitted to everyone. No discriminations.Well i heard much more and finally i personally get in here in this Duma Info and seen your Cayote Info itselof. Wow .... i surely will not miss to see and visit you soon on June. I will be there on vacation. See you....then and wish you more power....
  4. vangie

    vangie DI Junior Member

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    Cayote more power to you and your business:

    Hello Cayote, I came across your info about Cayotes Bar you can count on me and my friends we will come to see your Bar not only visiting i hope i could meet you also in person. I heard your place already when i was there last year that was Nov.2008 . I did tried to look and find your place but just dissapointed knowing your place was closed! I was informed by most people who knows well your place. They told me that its was sad to know that you closed it.because it was a nice and good to hangout people who loves to enjoy night life. Many said your place was one of a kind in town.You`ve got live music and fine discos which fitted to everyone. No discriminations.Well i heard much more about your local and finally i personally get in here in this Duma Info and seen your Cayote Info itself. Wow ...fantastic youve got everything.... i surely will not miss to see and visit you soon on June. I will be there on vacation. See you....then and wish you more power....
  5. Dairymoor

    Dairymoor DI New Member

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    To clarify;

    Slippers are footwear worn inside the home. Flip-flops are the rubber footwear worn predominantly in Asia, the Filipino brand Islander being very popular.
    The flip-flop was invented in 1889 by French latex engineer Philippe Phaloppe.
    Flip-flops make ideal tools for raising blood pressure in Why Not managers.
  6. vangie

    vangie DI Junior Member

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    I secong demotion to you about the non-professional unqualified not in the right positon etc. to this why not lady manager. She is so dull stupid one i could ever imagine and how she got the position there.I just wonder how much Marcus will hold this kind of employee well not only her but almost all of his staff are less qualified of the job.From the restaurant down to the disco`s the services were very poor.sorry but just letting out my opinion.
  7. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    The simple point is that Marcus is running a business.

    why spend 1 Centavo more into staff if his place makes good numbers. Without any competition and enough regular patrons plus the increasing numbers of Resorts, Hotels and Tourists he would be pretty stupid as a business-man to change anything.

    If we like her or not, she seems to have always enough staff to keep the target-market entertained and willing to spend money. Her job is certainly to keep that going and after 5 years constantly in Dumaguete (first visit about 9 years ago) she very obvious does a great job in managing the staff in the disco, karaoke and billard.

    At the end of the day a manager is not in the position because of friendliness, but for supporting the boss in earning money
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    is she the one that never stops smiling all the time.:rolleyes:
  9. gmcvandura

    gmcvandura DI Member

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    sorry if im in the wrong thread.. Do i feel a weather change? is this El nenio or La Ninia? But Rhoddy your so correct. If what you do brings the money in the business ,so be it.. friendly or unfriendly doesnt matter..
  10. dumaguetelocal

    dumaguetelocal DI Junior Member

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    what made you so upset??

    I often wonder what make people write nasty posts about businesses here. Guess Rhoody is right, its business and if one is not happy, just walk away. If business is good, it could mean there are satisfied customers.
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