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Health and Education costs in phils

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PhilT, Feb 12, 2007.


    KAYLEIGH DI Member

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    garbonzo, It is not only happening to you. I also had a lot of experience with my own family. After I married my husband, he is a foreigner :( For the first year of being married it's alot of adjustments and my mother thinks that we just pick up the money here in abroad. We are both working and trying to save as much as we can to retire at the earliest, Inshala!
    Thank God she has now become independent and I am only sending her whenever I feel i want to. She is not really in poverty, she's got a small business and she only feeds herself. I am maybe a little bit lucky to have siblings who are hard workers and feeding their own families from their own earnings.
    People out there who still do not know what some of my kababayans (NOT ALL) are like, please do think long and hard before you pull your wallet. If you start giving them what they want, it will never stop you will have spoiled them. This is just a small piece of advice.
  2. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    Hi ANDYM60, i am just curious , did you ever meet this woman in person and her family ? i am sure you been reading this forum for a while now and learning what others said about their problem when it come to money sickness.
    It was good of you in helping your girlfriend, but what about if you are not that giving ,is she can be still the woman you think she is ? ask her to fax you the hospital bills receipt and what hospital her mom admited. Don't wait until the next bill will be a hundred thousand pesos.
    sorry andym60 love should be priceless.
  3. AndyM60

    AndyM60 DI New Member

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    Hi Dumaguetenia,
    Yes, I've stayed in with my girlfriend in Dumaguete three times - probably about 8 weeks this year. We've kept in touch during my absences and had long chats with webcams on yahoo messenger. I've met her family. I've not been reading the forum much yet - I haven't really had the time since joining. I hope that will change! I am by nature generous. I have given my girlfriend an allowance and occasionally sent extra money when things went wrong. 60,000 pesos is quite alot of money - to me as well - I am not rich and currently being hit by some big bills back home. Also, I had a filipino brother-in-law who had appendicitus, he needed a fraction of this amount to have the operation, but I wasn't aware that there were provincial hospitals, which is where he would have been treated. Once or twice I have been asked for money for items which turned out to be cheaper than I was told, but the extra money was spent on sensible things, this is another reason why I wondered if I was being (mildly) scammed. True, if I was living there, it would be far easier to see what's going on. I agree with you, love is priceless, I just don't have 60,000 pesos to give at the moment!
  4. Teacher

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    All of these health problem

    and what no one has Phil health?????

    Welcome to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation Website

    It's only cost is 1,200 peso's a year..I know a foreigner that got a hip replacement on Phili-health. Please wake up gentlemen this one of the oldest ploy's in the book. It is used in every Asian Country to get money from families, friends, boyfriends you name it..
  5. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    Hi AndyM60 ,
    Its all up to you to change the course of your predicament. I hope you have time to read and dig into the past post , you will be surprice to know you not the only one that became the milking cow of our (some) fellow filipino. Hope you are smarter than that .
    When they ask you a peso give them a quarter they will manage the rest. By then they will not say you are not helping. Beside , this is your chance to test how they turned out if you refused to help.Good luck !
  6. fundiver198

    fundiver198 DI Forum Adept

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    Well so much the better, because then you can just say that to your girlfriend without lying to her. And then you can send whatever fraction of the amount, you are able to send, like 15.000, 20.000 or whatever.

    And then the familiy will be the one to find a solution for the rest of the money. Or the mother will need to get a cheaper operation in the provincial hospital.

    I completely agree with Dumaguetenia, that this is also a nice way to test the seriousness of your relationship. If your girlfriend is still there, after this is finished, then she is probably serious to you. And if she is not, well then so much the better, that she just find herself another "boyfriend".

    There are plenty of girls in the Philippines, and the large majority of them are both sweet and honest (in my opinion). So no need at all to waste time and money on one of the few, who are not.

    I am not saying, that your girlfriend is not honest, mind you, since I do not know her at all. And there is not nessesarely anything wrong, just becase she pass on the request of her mother to you.

    She is being pressured from her familiy also, so the important is not, that she asked you for 60.000, but how she will react, when you honestly tell her, that unfortunatly you are only able to send her e.g. 15.000.
  7. fundiver198

    fundiver198 DI Forum Adept

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    Well believe it or not, a lot of filipinos don`t have the philhealth insurance. This is stupid and short seighted, and this is who I also suggest, that after paying the medical bills for a family member, who don`t have insurance, one should almost force them to sign up for it.
  8. Nehalennia

    Nehalennia DI Junior Member

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    Trying to find more info on Philhealth, particularly anyone who has had recent experience with it. Available to foreigners? Coverage in private hospitals? Any problems or complaints? Thanks.
  9. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    This is great advice. After all these years I am only finding out about Phil Health. Our plan is to start out insuring my brother-in-laws families to see how Phil Health handles the usually routine illnesses that occur every year. If they prove reliable they will get more customers and recommendations to others.