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First time here.....first post

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by ronv8917, Dec 8, 2009.

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  1. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    To jellyfish....actually, I was trying to be nice to my previous girlfriend, the model. She is, without question, an extremely beautiful lady and has the disposition of a constipated rattlesnake. But I was trying to be kind in my comments about looks in general.
    There is an old biker saying (I'm an old biker) that goes "nomatter how good looking she is, somewhere, there is some guy that is sick of her sxxt".
    Of course, I am at the age now where what is on the inside is extremely important to me.
    A good heart, good soul, good personality. But good looks certainly don't hurt.
  2. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    To jellyfish....actually, I was trying to be nice to my previous girlfriend, the model. She is, without question, an extremely beautiful lady and has the disposition of a constipated rattlesnake. But I was trying to be kind in my comments about looks in general.
    There is an old biker saying (I'm an old biker) that goes "nomatter how good looking she is, somewhere, there is some guy that is sick of her sxxt".
    Of course, I am at the age now where what is on the inside is extremely important to me.
    A good heart, good soul, good personality. But good looks certainly don't hurt.
  3. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    Joing the forum meaning you are informed and warned, of all the possible scenario that can be happened.

    All i could add..., do what you think is right , and go what you feel your guts telling you to do.

    What we are all telling you in this forum is all our own opinion, you are the one that will meet this woman and live with here. We only don't want to hear another sad story. You seem well experienced in life , one more wont hurt you. If ever turn out like that , but with all my heart i wish you all the best only the best that you rightfully deserve.

    Welcome to the Family of Dumaguete info!:D
  4. gmcvandura

    gmcvandura DI Member

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    Hi Ron, welcome to di. as an old biker, i have confidence that you know exactly what your looking for. Scam or no scam who give an SSS..as long as you did your homework. We are not perfect. sometimes we get it, and sometimes we give it. We can not really really be 100%... But hey! you are a OLD biker, i pressume you had done a lot of S@&i%TTT things in your younger years that you can tell truth againts Hallozination.. So good luck, and may the force be with you...
  5. Tom2bad68

    Tom2bad68 DI Forum Adept

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    What you need is not permission but a document from the embassy that certifies you are eligible to be married.Marriage of American Citizens in the Philippines You should probably bring the documents you already mentioned and if you can find a copy of the marriage certificate (or whatever its called in your state) for your first marriage. It is better to have more documentation than you need rather than find you don't have something you need when you are ready.

    When I was there the only place you could get the document was at the US embassy in Manila. There used to be a consular office in Cebu but that was closed then. It may be open now.
  6. Teacher

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I got mine in Mindanao too..

    ronv8917 I met my wife in Cebu but she is from Mindanao too. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She never asked me for money always very trust worthy from the beginning until know just the perfect wife. However I got nailed on the flip side the Family has and keeps trying to take advantage. once you arrive in Mindanao you are a rich American to them and the people will have no quorums about asking for money. If you want any info about the Mindanao happy to tell you what I know. just PM me.

    Something to be mindful of. :cool:
  7. Panday Pera

    Panday Pera DI Forum Adept

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    Welcome to DI "ronv8917" and may I be one of the first to welcome you to the Philippines. Few more days and you will be face to face with your dream. I hope everything turns out the way you have imagined it and your fiancee is everything you've expected. After reading the previous posts and your replies, I am confident that you'll do very well there.

    Teach is right about money and that should be your priority. Setting up rules on how money flows in the house and how you are paid if you decide to lend money to her friends and relatives. Oh and there will be plenty of relatives who would try to prey on your good heart, but there will be many too that truly can use your help. Once your money rule is set, be firm but compassionate in your disposition.

    Be ready for your world to be turned upside down, some in a bad way but i'm hoping mostly in a good way. Lower your expectations and you will be pleasantly surprised, in most cases.

    I wish you the best that my beloved Philippines can give to you. May you find the paradise you're looking for in Mindanao. If not, there's always Dumaguete.......

  8. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    Well to everyone....403 hours to take of her and 436 to landing there (not that I'm keeping track of the time or anything). I have sold my Harley.....my gun collection.....all of my household items ......all of my tools. I resigned a position that was a "do-nothing job" that paid me $90k a year. All I have are my clothes and personal electronics. There ain't no turning back now. Sink or swim time.
    Thanks for the insight about relatives borrowing....I will be careful about that.
    I've made a lot of mistakes in my 68 years, but I have also made a lot of good decisions.
    Only time will tell which this is.
    They say that "God protects fools and drunks" and I don't drink.... The question is now how big of a fool am I
  9. derivative_guru

    derivative_guru DI Senior Member

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    There is a U.S. Consulate in Cebu at the lower level of the Waterfront Hotel in Lahug. It's only open 9am to 11am for the public though.

    Personally, I have always believed it best to keep the family several islands away. I think that dramatically reduces the likelihood of conflict.

    Many guys came here and met the girl who they thought was perfect from the internet and it didn't work out. But, most of them found another girl who was right for him eventually. I'm not saying it won't work out, only that if it doesn't, don't loose hope as their are many more fish in the sea.

    Finally...has that do-nothing $90k per year job been filled?! :D Hehehehe
  10. Rarity54f

    Rarity54f DI Forum Adept

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    It must be something very scary for someone like you who will be meeting someone special for the first time. We can only give you our best hopes and wishes that everything will turn out right. Here's one concern though. I hope the place in Mindanao where you are scheduled to go is safe. There are some areas there that are not very safe. Which part of Mindanao are you going?
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