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Superbowl on in Philippines?

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by larrye781, Feb 6, 2010.

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  1. larrye781

    larrye781 DI New Member

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    Does anybody know anything about where to see the superbowl here in the Philippines? Its on Monday Feb 8, 7am philippine time. How can I see it? I have heard nothing about it here in the philippines!
  2. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    It should be on cable in the morning. I think either solar sports or star sports. I watched it from here at one of those two channels last year but I don't remember which.
  3. lopakalolo

    lopakalolo DI New Member

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    Super Bowl

    Here is what I know and don't know.:smile:

    The good news. If you have cable and an internet connection we all might be in luck. Go to: Veetle and download it and install. First of all, It is free & secondly, I watched the major league baseball playoffs as well as the whole world Series on my computer. I also watched all the elimination playoffs for the NFL football and I have my fingers crossed for tomorrow mornings Super Bowl here in P.I. This streaming was sometimes a better picture than my Sony Bravia (for the World Series) and some good and some bad streaming on the (NFL football playoffs). On everything, good or bad reception , I did get to see all the games. I figure it this way - it's free (so I can't complain) and I have no alternative (as far as I know) on the stupid cable companies.

    Note: Veetle is put out there by some clever guys from Stanford University in California so it's not one of these come on subscription (pay monthly) sites that are out there.

    In addition:
    Bad News: Where to watch the Super Bowl on television.
    1.) I am a subscriber to Sky Cable and as far as I'm concerned - it is crap.
    I called them and they said they don't televise it on the regular or premium channels - again- pure crap T.V.

    2.) Looking on line at what other cable providers have available, I found four listed. 1.) Dream Satillite TV (they don't even know how to spell satellite), 2.) Global Destiny CATV, 3.)Home Cable (another part of Sky Cable) & 4.) Sky Cable. None of their sites even mentions (NFL) (Pro Football) or (Super Bowl) - All Crap.

    Note:Unless someone knows differently than what I found, I'd sure like to know. As far as I can tell, they don't even know what American Football is.
    You can contact me at: lopakalolo@hotmail.com, Hurry!, because we are down to just hours before the game.

    Hope this helps, I know the feeling of frustration.

    P.S. - It would seem to me that they are somehow broadcasting the game to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe this would be another way to tap in to the game. If anyone knows anything about this - Please share.
  4. OP

    larrye781 DI New Member

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    last year means nothing about this year

    Last year american football was on solar sports and espn, this year it is not. Last year they showed the playoffs, this year not. "I think" is not the answer im looking for, i want somebody that knows definitely!!!!
  5. lopakalolo

    lopakalolo DI New Member

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    Go to Veetle.com - download it and you will be able to watch it on Your computer and best of all the price is right - Free. As far as I know, none of these crappy cable providers will show it.
    If you know different, let me know. I'm in Makati.
  6. lopakalolo

    lopakalolo DI New Member

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    Something else about Veetle. It's in an infant stage, started out of Stanford University, California. Sometimes the picture will be better than your T.V. and other times it will break up. I watched the whole baseball world series and it was perfect. I also watched the NFL playoff games and it was hit and miss , sometimes good and sometimes not so good, but I still got to watch all the playoffs. Hell, I can't complain because the price is right a - Free and better than the Alternative.
    P.S. - You will need to download the player and the game usuall y comes on different broadcasts so search around until you find a good one.
  7. lopakalolo

    lopakalolo DI New Member

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    Sorry guys, this was a shock to me when I turned on my computer this morning and fired up Veetle to watch the Super Bowl. I have no alternative - BUMMER
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