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Contrast in lifestyles

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by ronv8917, Feb 19, 2010.

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  1. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    Giving up everything

    My gun collection was only 14 guns, but they were high quality, high priced guns and consisted of 13 handguns and one Winchester Police issue 12ga. shotgun. The only picture I have is of the 3 I carried on a daily basis, depending on what I was wearing. I carried a North American Arms mini 5 shot derringer in .17 HMR for "dress-up" clothes. A Ruger LCP with a Crimson Trace laser sight for everyday wear and a Berretta 92FS in Stainless (17 round) for when I rode my Harley. The 92FS can never be replaced because they were only made in Italy and they stopped making it about 10 years ago. I bought it unfired, ran one box through it and never fired it again. It alone was worth about $1500.00 (twice the original cost). FYI, I have had a concealed hangun permit since they first came out in Texas 14 years ago. My email is ronv8917 because my gun permit is 00008917 (that's available on the Internet so I am not disclosing any secret). There are now over 300,000 permits in Texas. And with interstate agreements, I could carry a gun almost anywhere in the USA.
    As for the Rolex, you are right. A service cost about $150.00 US and it should be done about every 18 to 24 months. But, I only wore it maybe 12 days a year so that was no big loss. My was a two-tone Date-Just Presidential. Nice to look at but not worth the $20,000 (almost 1 million pesos) price tag.
    I had almost twice that invested in my 2005 Harley-Davidson. I rode it daily, so it was a much bigger loss.
    But, nomatter who you are, or where you live, we live in a world of priorities.
    For me, my priorities changed from materialistic items, to mental state of mind. I don't wear any watch now because I don't care what time, or what day it is. I don't feel the need to carry a gun now. And I'm just fine on my Honda 125cc Wave.
    But, the most important factor is having Rudy by my side and watching these sunsets.
    This is really happiness.
  2. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    "You only live once, but if you work it right,once is enough"

    Joe E Lewis
    Enjoy your "retirement"........JB
  3. tagabukid

    tagabukid DI New Member

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    Hi Ron,

    I rarely post anything on the Dumaguete Forum, but I have been following your post since you joined. I greatly appreciate for sharing your experience. It is truly heartwarming.

    I used to work in Dumaguete, moved to Missouri in 1992. Looking forward to retire in the Philippines soon. Like yourself, I am also a motorcycle enthusiast.

    God bless you and Rudy.
  4. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    Well, I've been married twice before and had a live-in for 9 years so that was like a theirs marriage.
    But I woke up at 7:30 this morning, 26 and a half hours from my wedding, and I am actually nervous, and I don't know why........
    Maybe I'm still afraid that this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up and find out it's not true......I don't know......
  5. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    Don't worry about a thing just think of that well known motown song by the Shondells?..................I do ron ron I do ron ron :D
  6. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    It is 6am on a fantastically beautiful morning on Mindanao. The sun is just coming up over the hills.
    It is so nice today......I think I'll go get married.
    Thank you all.
  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    "There" and "they" are quite broad words. In the Philippines a large portion of the population is having a difficult time surviving the economics. That economic situation is largely why we expats are able to live here so cheaply.

    I think what you are really referring to is the retired life vs. the working life. I live in the Philippines as well but I'm often burned out and stressed because I still have to deal with the "West" to put food on the table.

    Different situations for different people.
  8. OP

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Well, maybe I have not everyone here, but the ones that I have met, work very hard for a small day pay and they survive on that.
    And again, my experience only, in the US, people work a lot less for a lot more and them complain because they think they are underpaid.
    And of course, I am not even mentioning the ones in the IS that don't work at all and live on government handouts, and make a profession of it and pass it on from generation to generation.
    Yes, as an expat, I can live good here with my retirement, but that has nothing to do with why I am here.
    There is such a thing as "quality of life" and money is only a very small factor in that.
  9. felisa gil

    felisa gil DI Member

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    Hi Ron,

    We are retirees who have come back to Negros to live. Most residents do not earn much but they survive. I realize that most of them ( in the provinces at least) do not have house and car payments. By western standards their quality of life is not great, but bottom line is they are not as stressed and may have more time to smell the roses.

    By the way my husband was in HVAC engineering when we were in the US. He had PE license both in California and the Tristate area.

    I find your posts very uplifting. Good luck and best wishes to you and Rudy.

  10. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    My best wishes

    My best wishes to you Ron & Rudy Mae

    You may live your life together full of love and happiness.

    Ron, is not that nice , that at 68, you feel that feeling of being inlove again the first time ? that how is my impression reading all your posting. You are bless, that you have a second chance to live a life that you want and happy about. Thanks for sharing, your positive attitude about our country and your new family and community.
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