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Prospects for children in Philippines

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by silabay, Jun 21, 2010.

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  1. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    philippines English

    "Has anyone else done the unthinkable and moved from a first world country to the Philippines and their children have managed to get a good job? I look forward to your replies and advice."​

    Hi Silabay,

    As a filipina from Philippines moving to what you called "The First World Country " i do manage with my Philippines school taught english.

    Our school and education are not of that you callled the first world standard, but i am proud to say, that we send Filipinos abroad with first world standard of works quality and dedication.

    Children will learned as they grow, and the best lesson you can start them learning is to adapt and to be resourceful in any endeavours come their way. You know that your children life will be well and better than yours, its because, you want the atmost best for them. Knowing too, that whatever they want in life is not in your control but them at all as they grow and choose their own path.

    Think about your remaining retirement days. Make the most of it with happiness with your family. Your children has a life of their own to make and your example to make yourself and your family happy is the basis of your children best future.

    Life in general is not at all about what we learned in school, but what we learned everyday and being a person with good values, honesty and perseverance to live a decent life.

    Good luck and happy retirement !
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    that is simply wrong, unless you talk about taking up a lot of additional courses abroad as actually none of local courses meet any international standard... ok, one exeption, the new Culinary Arts school in Dumaguete, but that system is (thanks their founder) based on European standard AND you can earn an international accredited diploma.

    ...adapt to what ??? texting, ridiculous self celebration and wasting lifetime ?

    unless I am that horrible in math or missed the last 3 years my little one goes to school, there is almost no time left next to a few weeks summer-break for giving good examples...

    with 12 -15 hours per day , that is basically what the whole day for a kid is ...

    One thing which always makes me smile is that on whatever internet-forum I participate, the only persons who "defend" the PI-educationsystem are Filipinas.

    You ain't find many foreigner here in the PI (well, I know one, but that is a more than naive person) who does not bring it down to "WTF are they teaching".

    Basically all who are actually living here AND care for their kids search for any kind of solution to spare our kids this nonsense and waste of valuable lifetime, but often we need to go for the "best of the worst" .

    If people can afford it, home-teaching and online-classes might be the way to go in Dumaguete...

    ... and we are talking here about a teenager coming to the PI to continue education, NOT about some talented and enthusiastic local students, which may go abroad one day, mastering additional courses, taking some additional years of studying to become more or less successful.

    I am happy for each Pinoy reaching that, but it is a fact that no single finished course here in Dumaguete Universities gives you any credits abroad...

    A pleasing personality and outstanding family values do not pay for food and rent.
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :( Reading the thread through I can see both sides and all the better for everything being said, I did not join the thread as I have no real gripe either way, My daughter is doing well at her school and is on a SPEED course so I guess I got lucky. What does worry me and Surprises me is the constant conversations on Face Book where the kids continue to exercise their Text words ability. I am not a lover of the site but monitor closely what my little one does, on many occasions I have asked her WHY? do you write like that instead of practicing your English, the answer is of course, well my M8s talk like this. It is sometimes no wonder the Grades are low if when out of the classroom or from the watchful eyes of parents they just do not bother. has any one else come across this, if you have? will you let me know how you handled it because maybe I am wrong. To learn to write English we should write it, maybe even correcting their friends mistakes, call this Alternative tuition but if feel it will help some.:smile:

    Jack P.

    :o Sorry if I butt in on the thread but just a thought.
  4. felisa gil

    felisa gil DI Member

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    Philippine education has been good enough for us to be able to become licensed professionals in the US. We are doctors, nurses, accountants, licensed engineers, pharmacists , teachers,lawyers and dentists Some hospitals in the US would be crippled if all their Filipino nurses stopped working. In the UN , they say if all the Filipina secretaries stopped working, the UN will be paralyzed.

    Locally, most of the college graduates I know are doing all right. I wonder why the expats never meet them? We seem to live in two different worlds and yet we are all in Negros Oriental?

    It could not be so bad, here, if there are so many of you here? It can't be just the cheap cold San Miguel Beer that is keeping you guys here.

    It is not the education that is worthless, every thing else stinks from the way it comes accross in your posts.

    It is exasperating to go thru your put downs, but I am just curoius as to where you are coming from.
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :confused: You Quote only the US. Here In Europe we also have valued Filipinos, If they did not have the education they have they would not be here. We as in collectively are here NOT just for the cold beer but because we are FED UP with our own Countries, There are More than enough problems all over the world, For Me I married one of you Lovely people, I dont think you maybe have read all the Thousands of Posts that have been written over the years PRAISING your Country. As we all do, we Criticise what we do not totally understand, My wife tells me constantly that she does not understand either some of the situations that arise. Only today I had one of my Co-Workers ( Pinoy ) complaining that he can't get dried fish,
    We dont eat Dried Fish in Spain, So he led of on a trait of This is bad that is bad, so you see we all do it. Sorry that you have read only some bad things said but please spend a little time and have a look at some of the other threads as well. On this Type of forum you will always get good and bad. Please, Don't Tar us all with same brush, You say there are so many of us here, Where would you be if Our Governments sent you all home. Think on I say and lets have a Group hug here.:wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  6. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    Rhoody Boy !

    "One thing which always makes me smile is that on whatever internet-forum I participate, the only persons who "defend" the PI-educationsystem are Filipinas "

    Rhoody Boy,
    Filipinas is like the mother of a home. We love
    and nurture our family for the best. The thing, i don't really trust internet -forum chat, as you never know if you truly talking to a true filipinas or a make believe one.

    I just wondering how my country continue to run and compete to the world standard if most of our school are nothing but crop and garbage ?
    Notice the first world countries ? too smart people that they make the economy down and banks go bankrupt ?

    Don't blame Our school system, but parents that rather give their children a computer and cellphone to let their children learned on their own.

    Most of the bright student are those from the farm and farmers children. go and find out why. You will learned from them a real lesson.

    ..and please, Rhoody my brother, i will appreciate it , if you help to reform our education system and, like Dude nurture our children to read and take your standard of education.

    To Dude , when you go to private garden, tell Dave that your drinks is for me. For my appreciation of your help to our young childrens that you help in their lesson.
  7. felisa gil

    felisa gil DI Member

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    Hi Mr Peterson,

    Sorry I did not mean to generalize. I realize that there are fair minded members of the forum You did give a positive response to my post in some other thread some days back. I meant to answer, but was busy preparing for our trip back to the US.

    We will be here till late September.When we are back, my husband and I would like to invite you to our farm in Tanjay , which we consider our little paradise and meet with our local friends. Hopefully we can each widen our social circles and learn from each others culture.


    Felisa Gil
  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,234 / 1,090

    :smile:I look forward to that, Corazon has said that we MUST accept and we will have a Good Chat about realities. Have a safe trip and just Buzz when we can meetup.:wink:

    Jack P :smile:
  9. felisa gil

    felisa gil DI Member

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    Good, we will surely get in touch. Looking forward to meeting you and Corazon.,
  10. TUYOM

    TUYOM DI Member

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    :smile:because they don't need (expat) sugar daddy,they have a job.
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