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School / beach

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by appy_ammer, Jul 22, 2010.

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  1. appy_ammer

    appy_ammer DI Member

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    Two quick questions, i would appreciate peoples valued opions please.

    My little boy will be three in September. Can you recommend the best pre-schools in the area ?

    We are just finishing building and been living on-site. Its about time we had a day to ourselves. I only get out for a beer to catch up with mates at the weekend and thats not much fun for the wife and little boy. I havent taken the time to find a decent beach. Are there any white sand beaches in the area ?

    Thanks :smile:
  2. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    For a 3 year old boy i would recommend the school nearest to your place.
    You can send him also to Holy Cross where he will learn Chinese or Siliman where his English will be a priority but i'm not convinced that this is the most importand on his age.
    For realy nice beaches, Negros Oriental is not exactly the place to be. Zamboanguita has reasonable white beaches, so has Dauin but for a first visit you may try any off the beachresorts south off Dumaguete or perhaps Malatapay on a wednesday, so you can see some local life in the market and walk all the way up to the local beach.
  3. OP

    appy_ammer DI Member

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    Thank you for your advice, i really appreciate it. I was also doing some research as i posted on here and the name Holy Cross keeps popping up. To me it seems to be the best option. If anyone out there has sent their child there, i would love to hear your views. :smile:

    I live in Bacong so any beaches south would be a easier for us. Dauin is only a short drive so we will check it out one day, thank you so much firefly :smile:
  4. derivative_guru

    derivative_guru DI Senior Member

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    Dauin would probably be the best close beach for you. I'm not sure of the individual policies but El Dorado, Atlantis, Pura Vida and Mike's...all share the same beach and have pools, etc. I know at least El Dorado and Mike's allow for day use but I can't remember the fees...I am sure some other forum members can enlighten us though.

    Preschools: I've been through that. Those that most interested me were:

    Silliman, Holy Cross and Southdale.

    The best one probably differs for different individuals, here are the highlights of what I viewed as the strengths of each individual school:

    Silliman: Being part of the larger Silliman community and its resources, events, etc.

    Holy Cross: They give 20 minutes of Mandarin instruction each day.

    Southdale: Integrated academic approach; staff seems to be more academically qualified than other schools.
  5. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    Our son went to Holy Cross kinder 20 years ago, learned Chinese and don't remember a single word of it.
    If you choose Holy Cross, wich is a good school, let the child finish here and speak fluent Chinese.
    If Chinese is not a priority than there are better options.
  6. OP

    appy_ammer DI Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Im torn as to whether Mandrin is necessary, i would guess so in todays market but who knows in the future. If other schools offer other amenities that are more advantagous i will have to think very carefully. Thanks for all the advice..... :smile:
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