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Why no trip reports with pictures on here??

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by BarrioRunner, Aug 18, 2010.

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  1. BarrioRunner

    BarrioRunner DI Junior Member

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    I am wondering why there is no section for BM's to post trip reports from their travels around Dumaguete on here with pictures? Granted, we can post some pictures on here, but if another BM desires to check out your profile, no one would never know we had pictures on here to look at.

    Now is becasue the site does not have the server size to store tons of pictures? Is it becasue maybe the owner of the board has no desire to have a site where so many pictures would be posted?

    From what I have read and seen in pictures on the Internet and from these two BM who have posted many pictures of Dumaguete, it is so beautiful and clean that by the site not having the capabilities for those to post pictures that can be seen in threads on here, IMHO is not selling the island.

    A new BM on here who for some reason is not posting any more or thinks he has been removed from the board just did a trip around Dumaguete island with another BM on here. I just looked at over 60 pictures that he took of his trip and I can say that as always, he provides outstanding pictures from his trips. The other BM who I know will see this thread for sure will make a comment and wonder why also. He also is in the process of adding his report along with another ton of pictures of the island. What a great selling point to bring in more visitors to the island. I am assuming that there are a few on here for whom have businesses and would like to see more visitors to the island for more profits.

    This BM who recently moved to Dumaguete a few months ago has been living in the Philippines now for maybe 5 years. Before that, he lived in Thailand where I met him and has visited most of the other countries in the region. His trip reports and pictures show the real people and country side. Many expats who know this BM and have seen his trip reports and pictures are amazed at what he posts. The colors of the Philippines down south IMHO stand out so much. The blues and greens make me home sick for the Philippines.

    I think that this site, those expats on here, and those who visit to gain information are missing out on a great person for whom makes it a point to travel around and provide information and pictures of areas that 90% of those on boards like this NEVER get to see.

    His travels over the years in the Philippines has opened up areas that I want to visit and see for myself the beauty they have to offer. He is a driving force for me to resolve some issues here and get my happy rear end to the PI with in the next 18 or so months and travel.
  2. richard08

    richard08 DI Member

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    I have an idea, just visit youtube.com and search for words like, dauin, dumaguate, expats in dumaguete, beach in dumaguete, robinsons dumaguete, or any place you need to see and check. Just a thought.
  3. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    well, if your great BM try to mess around w/me and whines about the bad Rhoody and Dumagueteinfo on other forums like a little kid when a wave destroys its sandcastle, he can stick his friends trying to "complain" for him and his camera somewhere where the sun ain't shine, simple as that, we could not care less about persons like that.

    Otherwise you can post tripreports and pictures in many different section and albums on your profile. I am sure that is not too hard to do :smile:

    And like I wrote to another "friend" of that honorable member: please use the contact function for complains to the owner of Dumagueteinfo.com. If your complaint seems appropriate, he might rethink the moderator decision :smile:

  4. OP

    BarrioRunner DI Junior Member

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    Wow. I did not expect such a response like this. A board that says it has friendly people. First I am not sticking up for or fighting for a friend. I do believe he is able to stand for himself. My question was just that. A question why the board was not like others. So much for friendly people I guess.
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    mmmm Question?

    :confused: Maybe your FRIEND should join DI and lets all here his side of the story. Not sure we need the "Agony Aunt" Syndrome, you know My friend got pregnant thing! The response you got based on the post, is one I feel we would have all got Barrio, me more than most :D

    Jack P.:smile:
  6. OP

    BarrioRunner DI Junior Member

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    Well jack, IMHO I asked a simple question and shared some information and this guy responds back like that to me. WRONG.

    If the slogan on this site is "The website of gentle people", then I think he needs to take a chill pill.

    What ever beef he had with a friend of mine, that is between them. I have no insight to what he is talking about. For him maybe to start a keyboard war with me is not going to work. I could care less about him and suggesting I put in a complaint to the site MOD. How can he read into a simple question as complaining??

    In the end, I have visited the section for pictures and have seen some nice ones and a link to others.
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