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After the Manila Hongkong Hostage issue, is it safe to go to Philippines anymore?

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by benhur_cn, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. benhur_cn

    benhur_cn One Hit Wonder?

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    Recently, because of the Manila Hongkong Hostage issue, most of the people from Hongkong and China mainland are very very angry and disappoint on the Philippines government. Some of them even claim that they will never go to Philippines anymore. And most of the tourists lost their confidence on travelling to Philippines.

    We have already bought the air ticket to Dumaguete City this Novermber, and we wonder if we should give it up.:(
  2. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Hi Ben welcome,

    Look at it this way, yesterday there was a hostage drama in the states where the gunman was also shot dead. Yes the police and media handled it differently, so is it safe to live in the U.S.? Kinda an open question I know?

    It all comes down to the fact that there isn't a completely safe place to live or visit anywhere in the world, if a person exercises good judgement and appropriate behavior it's a good start, the rest is up in the air. As for me, I feel as safe here in Dumaguete as any other place I have been.

  3. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Hong Kong to Manila. Manila to Dumaguete. Safe, unless you are taking a bus all the way! :D
  4. reedee

    reedee DI Forum Adept

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    I am getting so sick of this!!

    I am so sick of people saying it isn't safe to come to the Philippines because of the hostage situation..........listen, this could have happened ANYWHERE in the world, it was an isolated incident of a disgruntled ex-employee. It doesn't make the Philippines less safe!! Yes, the police and media really screwed things up, and unfortunately, sometimes it takes something like this to make them look at their policies and plans they have in place (or don't have in place) and fix it in case it happens again in the future. Back in the '80's, a man named Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled post office employee walked into the post office he worked at in Oklahoma and shot and killed 14 co-workers. Did this make Oklahoma a less safe place to visit? No way, that is just ridiculous!! This guy was angry, he didn't specifically target people from Hong Kong, they were just the ones who were there. It wasn't a terrorist-related incident, unlike 9/11, which WAS terrorist related, and understandably, they cancelled flights until they could get a handle on things. They weren't prepared, either, they had to change policies in airline travel........hopefully we learn from these incidents and make things safer. I am sure even if I were in Manila, I wouldn't feel less safe today than I did the day before that happened. You really have to be able to look at the big picture. People have to realize that the citizens and officials of the Philippines were just as horrified and extremely saddened at the events that occurred that day.
  5. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Benhur, it is not safe to buy a watch off of a street vendor here or in Hong Kong. I lived in both cities, I personally feel safer there than HK.
  6. richard08

    richard08 DI Member

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    Just wait for the next few days to come,,,as what has been happening already, there will be killing's, slavery, injustices for Filipino OFW's in HK, China and etc. Let us see if it will be declare unsafe to visit those place.
  7. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    Just stay away from the cops and you'll do just fine.
  8. jj83

    jj83 DI Junior Member

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    You'll probably be at far greater risk driving your car to the airport. Manila has 20,000,000 people, Dumaguete has ~120,000, call it 300,000 with all of the surrounding area. That is at most 1.5% of the population of Manila. Manila ≠ Dumaguete City.
  9. Tom2bad68

    Tom2bad68 DI Forum Adept

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    I love it. The Chinese are all up in arms about the deaths....but a lot of the crime bosses here are Chinese. The drug shipping and manufacturing are largely operated by them. Then they use the poor Filipino to carry the stuff back to China and when they get busted the Chinese just shoot them in the head. Just another example of double standards. They will get over it.
  10. appy_ammer

    appy_ammer DI Member

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    Has anyone else heard this. The final insult in the hostage saga.... The Philippine Hospital sent the bodies back to HK to loved ones. They had labelled three of the bodies wrong and it was only noticed when the families went to identify the victims. Talk about adding insult to injury :confused:
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