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13a Visa

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by gecko, Sep 20, 2010.

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  1. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    well, i am not into that visa, but the page you mentioned is at least for tourists out of date, it gives a rough direction, but no up to date information...
  2. claire29

    claire29 DI Member

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    Hello sir Jack,

    I saw all the official requirements for the application for 13a visa in the official website of the of the BI. But their it was not mentioned a birth cert. of my husband. When we went to milan to get my dual citizenship the philippine embassy could give a 13a visa to my husband. But the biggest problem is that they are asking me for a birth cert. , medical clearance , and police clearance. It seems to me that they were still following the old requirements to get a 13a visa. And also they can give only the stamp of the 13a visa to my husband but not the ID like ACR. We will have to do the ACR when we will be in the philippines. So with all those requirements and go and come back to milan many times. So we decided to do it in the philippines since we will not be able to avoid going to cebu anyway. It seems to me that it is more easy there with the new requirements that they are asking if you apply for 13a in the philippines.

    With regards to my visa. I don't need any more to apply for any visa since I have already dual citizenship. I can come back without any problem and visa free. Though I have to show both philippine and italian passports. Thank you for the inputs. Good day .:smile:

  3. davfitz

    davfitz DI Forum Adept

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    As I mentioned in a previous post, everything you need to know is in the B of I's website. Here's the link again:

    The Bureau of Immigration, Philippines Official Website - MAIN

    It helps to read and re-read everything there, even the news items. That's where you will find the 1-800 number to call (probably only good from the Philippines). You'll also find this link to ask your specific question of the B of I:


    I stand by my contention of who can do and not do what. Overseas embassies can assist in some aspects but their assistance usually complicates the process which you will subsequently need to undo or redo in the Philippines at your additional expense.

    Turf battles and protection is not unique to the Government of the Philippines. It's usually best to be avoided.

    If It is a new 13a visa, it is a year and a half process to finalization. What's the hurry?
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :smile: Hey Gang! Whilst we all have differing things to say, I feel as I sit here that the information required is There, Life is tough and most countries bureaucracy is overwhelming, Maybe I was just Lucky with my application, as The Girls were in Dgte it was only me to worry about. I had all the NSO stuff and my BI clearance from the January so it was still ok in the April when I applied. The letter from Cory was Done by an attorney and Notarised by A Notary Public, Just for good measure we also had to two our Sponsors write references and again Notarized. I think that all in all, we can say that paying attention to the minutest of details paid dividends. I was, I guess, reading posts, very lucky in that I had the 13a approved by the October and it was sent by courier in time for my Return to the PI in the December. The Renewal a year later just required another letter from Cory to say we were still together as per the requirement. Having had a new BI clearance done before I left to come back to Spain for work, I just presented my self at the PI Consulate in CADIZ and they did the Papers, 6 weeks after I had the Renewal. This Year I went to Madrid as I have already posted and made application for permanent. Again a letter from Cory, I was Given an Entry Card to hand into the immigration at Manila on entry and was asked to go to the BI in the Morning, Cory had to attend as well, We were there for 3 hours and had an Interview, at the end of this Interview I was given the permanent 13a and my ID card.
    This is my Story of a 13a and I do hope that both Claire and Gecko can get as lucky as I have been. It was hard work and expensive to get all the paper work Together, Me, in Spain and English, Cory, Pinoy and in the PI 8000+ miles away but We succeeded. Best of Luck to all who travel this Precarious road to happiness. Research well, Obtain all the Requirements, Stay calm, expect to wait, "Patience is a Virtue" I have little patience most of the time But on this issue I bit my Lip, Did not throw the dummy out of the Pram, I smiled alot, Not sure if this helped:smile:

    Sorry if I have taken up Server time but I just thought it important to say, the more importance we put on the requirements the less hassle and trips to wherever we need to go to make the application. :smile:

    Jack P.:smile:
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