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PI CFO Guidance Certificate?

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Has anyone attended in Cebu the Commission of Filipino Overseas Guidance and Conselling Certificate seminar? I is one of the many requirements for a filipina married to a foreigner to obtain a PI passport.
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    mmmm OH YES!

    :confused: This is the one I was telling about Pat! We have been together a lot of years and they tried to tell her all about Marrying and Living with a foreigner. This was just to change her name to mine! They would not give 1 inch on the requirement. Every other Document she has is in her married name BUT NO she had to attend the seminar.:eek:

    Jack P. :smile:
  3. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    It is worse for me Jack. Just called the Center. Given Crislyn is under 21, one of her parents have to be present, can't believe it. Seminar is in Cebu 8-5 no aircon, so at least a 2 day trip at best. They suggest the foreigner spouse don't come because of the lack of aircon and bs questions they ask. I imagine they have received unsolicited feedback from the foreigners:(
  4. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Addendum: Knock out factor, must have two valid PI id's from their selected options. They will not accept her old high school id or her postal id or her police clearance or student drivers license or nso birth certificate. She doesn't have valid drivers license, voters id card, SSS, school id, employers id, which they except. Can't believe this s__t after all we showed to buy land and get married here.
  5. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Pat, given her age factor, I would strongly suggest you send her to Manila to do the CFO instead of Cebu. Cebu notoriously gives the younger girls a hard time, and will try to discourage her. They will likely make her come back again for something they decide they want. We had one client who had to go back 4 times. She was 20.

    First they wanted signed affidavits from her parents, (she already had her signed consent form, not enough) then they wanted her to bring her father (from Bohol), then her mother (also from Bohol, separate trip) Then they wanted a full true certified copy of the husbands divorce decree.

    Cebu is notorious for this, but nobody ever complains about the process in Manila.

  6. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Thanks Larry. Yes, they wanted her to bring her parents even though she is married. But the primary problem is they won't except her postal id or her old school id or drivers permit as acceptable valid ids. I would assume Manila would have the same problem with the ids but perhaps more lenient on the parents tagging along requirement. Every process you have to go through makes you feel like you are getting kicked in the b___s every other day. Example, she has an NSO certified copy of her birth certificate and marriage certificate. However, the NSO print out is fuzzy so guess what, she had to go to Santa Catalina to get form 102 local Registar stamped copy of her birth certificate then take that and her fuzzy NSO copy of her birth certificate back to the Dgte NSO to have them validate and stamp that the form 102 matched the Dgte fuzzy copy then had to go to the Dgte Registar office and get for 3a Registar copy of our marriage certificate then take that to Dgte NSO to once again verify and stamp that those two forms matched. All that then we find out her two ids are not acceptable. So we went to the Comelec office to see if she could get a voters id card but too late, closed for the upcoming election. So I think what I will do is try and get her a social security card like she is going to work and then see what I can do for a 2nd acceptable id. Meanwhile, California honeymoon on hold. Alternatively, there are very nice places in the PI to visit and my family can come here, no visa req'd, as you know. Don't know if I could stomach the US visa process if we were able to successfully get her a passport anyway. And as you suggested, the chances fo getting that are slim and none and slim left town...
  7. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    If she has a drivers permit, I hear it is relatively easy to get a drivers license in Bais. The wife and i will be making the trip in the upcoming weeks. We have in the past found LTO much easier to deal with up there. Between that and SSS that should satisfy the nuns. It might be worth a phone call to inquire the requirements to take the CFO in Manila.

    The seemingly simplest tasks here often seem to become nearly insurmountable.

  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,238 / 1,090
    Too True!

    :eek: Pat you will love this, When Azon was in Cebu for her seminar I was still in Spain, One of the Questions on the application form is WHERE are you going to. She wanted to come to Spain for a few weeks, So she wrote Spain, OH! but your husband is British, Yes! she said but he is working in Spain and has rented a House, Under European Law now, we have to register within 4 months for residency. SO! the Nice :eek: Lady told her we have to have the Original Permit or certified Copy, OK, No problem, Printed off and duly notarized, Scanned and sent to Cebu. 8 phone calls later I get the Head Honcho on the phone, he said, It is in Spanish sir! Yes! I said it is what they speak here. Well we can't accept this, it has to be in English. After some pretty choice words I eventually got him to realise HE! wanted the original.
    Well you will have to get it Translated he told me BUT then it will not be the original will it, and no official stamps, was my reply. 20 second " SILENCE", I told him OK, just change the form to read Visiting the UK. That will be a fine of 500p for altering an official form, he blurted, Duly paid the Fine, Passport Granted. Bureacracy at its Worst I Think. Pat! when you first joined us Did you ever think it would be this Difficult, I know you do now. My Friend, I wish we could all do something to help you but alas, Like the Spanish, they just love the Paperwork. :( I hope all starts to go well soon for you. :smile:

    Bye the way, I think I am Barred from Cebu CFO :eek:

    Jack P. :smile:
  9. claire29

    claire29 DI Member

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    sir pato,

    sorry for all this sh*t that you have to go through. I understand very well. Anyway sir try to get her an NBI certificate and make sure that it is valid for traveling abroad because there is also NBI that is just for philippine use. Just ask the incharge and then in her NBI you can already put your surname since you are already married. This should verify also. If this doesn't get accepted in the BI of cebu I don't really know why. NBI has to take her picture and finger prints and it will appear in her certificate. I hope this help abit.

    pls pls make sure that it is for travelling abroad porpuse so it will be valid also if you want to get her a visa.

  10. claire29

    claire29 DI Member

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    sir pato,

    I would suggest that you attend as well the seminar so that you would understand exactly what they are telling to your wife. It is your right to attend. If you want. This also show your attendance to the welfare of your wife.