Sir Pato, Good day sir, I am not so sure if you will agree with this idea to get a valid ID. Before when I was still in dgte. I attended a seminar of DCCCO I think it is very known. I wanted to become a member because I thought they have invesments that give higher interest that the bank. But it turned out that it is most likely the same. But to be a member I have to pay 2000 pesos for depost and share of capital and to have the ID done. But before I have to attend all day seminar that was saturday. Then I made my ID monday. The ID was done in some min. it has a picture, signature, she can put her married name, tax identification number, her birth date, and proper address where you are living. This ID has also the signature of the responsible of the cooperative. She should have not any problem to attend and to acquire the ID. Then your money that you have put inside the cooperative will not get lost. It will remain and gain some little interest. But if she just want to have the ID for the while, then she should not have any problem. I hope this help you abit. claire
Sir Pato, Sir, try asking also in the PHILHEALTH if they give valid ID I am not sure about this but I think they do. Just a thought . claire
Thanks Claire, I don't believe either of those id's are on the accepted list but I will give a call tomorrow to find out.
Takes time as usual. Claire according to my sister in law, if you are not employed, it takes a year of being sponsored by a relative who is employed, before PhilHealth provides benefits. I would guess they will not issue an ID card before that period and I believe Pat's asawa is not employed but I hope he will be able to get better input in case my understanding of PhilHealth is not accurate.
One does not have to be employed, or sponsored by one who is employed, to obtain Philhealth. One can simply sign up and makes the payment themself, and coverage for them and their spouse/children/parents starts in 90 days. Larry
Thank you everyone. I actually was at Philhealth this morning and had no problem getting her a Philhealth card with her married name on it.
Good to hear that sir, I hope your wife have enough ID's now. I wish you a successful journey to cebu. Good luck. claire
Claire, thank you for your kind wishes. We called CFO and it looks like we an package together sufficient id's, along with taking 'mom' and 'dad' to Cebu next week for the seminar. I will write a trip report to enlighten others. Salamat
Sir, Just a thought maybe you should ask your in-laws to bring ID's as well. Just incase they might ask them. claire
Wow! Claire! That is what I call, WELL SAID! and most Forward Thinking! Pat! this deserves a Round of applause! Don't You agree? Jack P.