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Investment in the Philippines

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by NeddySterling, Oct 8, 2010.

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  1. NeddySterling

    NeddySterling DI Junior Member

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    I am wondering if any members invest in stocks and shares in the old home country or more importantly in the Philippines.

    Is there room for some discussion here?

    Anyone know any good investment forums regarding the PSE on the net?

    I'm Australian (Gods chosen people) and in my experience this country is designed for the rich and it seems very easy to make money here. It is however very hard to get data that is freely available in other countries. (The old boys club maybe?)

    When I first came to Dumaguete I tried doing a bit of investing on the ground level (real estate, pedicabs, eateries etc) but I've decided to forsake that - it's a bit like hard work. Nowdays I just give my money to Henry Sy and let him go for it. My portfolio (err that is my WIFES portfolio cough cough)at present returning 15 - 20% a month

    I'd welcome any discussion about this
  2. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I wonder what you are not liking about 15 to 20 % per month ? I'm not the investment guru though. Robert K
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    NeddyS, could you please take some of your 20% winnings and open up a great wine store in Dgte, stocked with your great Australia reds and New Zealand whites, along with Calif Napa valley cabs. And for my Euro friends, some French bordeaux and German reisling. Trust me, there is a shortage here... Salamat
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  4. OP

    NeddySterling DI Junior Member

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    Happy Chappy

    Did I say I didn't like it?

    Basically I am in shock and don't think it could possibly last.

    I'm just waiting for the sky to fall in - and it always does :D

    It's a solitary lonely life as an investor and was just wondering if there were others in Dumaguete.

    I trade online with First Metro - Metrobank staff here didn't even know they had a security arm - Started the account with 5,000php which was their requirement.

    I believe BPI have a broking account but minimum is 25,000php
  5. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    I was also interested in investing in the PI stock market and settled for companies that offered ADRs but even that has been a dissappointment over the past few years. So far I have lost everything I invested in PI companies. I guess I should not expect more. Now I stick with the overseas experts Templeton and company. I also invest in micro financing and that is slow and steady but at least its mostly up rather than down.

    For in country investing I am just building up a portfolio of CDs in local accounts and eventually will set up some investment accounts like the BPI brokerage account since I have a long term relationship with them. But I need to do whole lot more DD.
  6. linushuber

    linushuber DI Member

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    i am interesting in the aspect of micro finance as it proofed to be rather isolated from the potential of a general crisis. So, Pedro, can you tell me how to get into that.

    me, i do futures throu my broker in singapore, mainly s&p, treasuries and some metalls. 2008 was my lucky year, since then i am not that lucky following the elliotwave system.
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Tax Implications!

    :confused: Linus! Hi my friend, I have no real Interest in investments, I was caught before BUT I would like to know something. I have an issue with the PI BIR just now, about earnings outside the PI. I do not expect or want you to admit anything here. A lot here know that my wife is an accountant so she can't and won't transgress from the Law. My question is, have you ever been asked about earnings gained outside the PI. My Tax implication is to a degree Horrendous and we are not talking a great deal of money!

    In fact, any information on this issue will be useful.

    Jack P.
  8. linushuber

    linushuber DI Member

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    Hi Jack

    well, first off I have to state that I am only going to live in philippines and do not yet know any tax laws there. On the other hand, I did not pay any taxes anywhere for the last 30 years (except for rental returns of property in malaysia, about 30% of net earnings from property), and I am certainly not going to declare any such income in the philippines that they would tax me (how stupid one would be). My idea is to hide as much from governments incl. my swiss government, so that they cannot rob me. I have accounts in malaysia, singapore, philippines, saudi (still) and of course switzerland, but would declare none of it even towards the swiss government.

    see u soon

  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    +5,238 / 1,090
    Point Taken!

    :eek: Hi linus!, Thank You your reply,:eek: Stay away from a PI bank account whatever you do. Good luck my Friend.:wink:

    Jack P. :smile:
  10. claire29

    claire29 DI Member

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    hello sir Jack,

    Sir, you don't need to pay taxes for the income that you earn out side the philippines. Because the Philippine Republic has agreement with other countries about tax matters. To make it short if your problem only is your bank account you don't need to declare it, since that bank it self get the taxes automaticaly from your account. And for invested money in the philippines usually the taxes get paid autamatically as well because it will be included in the computation. I hope this help . Good day.

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