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Helmet law enforcement

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by dodong, Oct 9, 2010.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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  2. pfotoguy

    pfotoguy DI Forum Adept

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    I don't see any big deal about wearing a helmet. I've had tow occasions where my head was bouncing off the pavement and I remember saying to myself, Thank God I got a helmet on. And I will be the first to admit that I don't wear it all the time. once and a while that little voice inside say "put on the helmet dummy". My son was in a serious accident and if he hadn't been wearing a helmet he'd probably be brain dead.

    And I don't buy this about the "poor"...They can afford the bike, they can afford cigarettes and they can certainly afford booze. during the festivals here they were all over the roads driving drunk...
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Helmet Law not the Answer

    I agree with the points Shadow stated yesterday. The helmet law is not an improvement if traffic laws are not understood, enforced, and proper discipline accepted - don't see any of that happening here. My fear is that when the crazy drivers start wearing helmets they will feel even more fearless and drive faster and more dangerous. You can still lose a leg or crush an elbow if some f'n moron causes you to crash or runs into you. Personally, wearing a helmet will limit my field of vision. I would like to see the DI put a front page position statement on this issue. The Dgte Chronicle did.
  4. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    well, what should DI:

    We the DI members are for it while we are also against it !

    ...cause this is exactly the opinion of the members here.

    As I know that quite some city councilors, the mayor and the LTO Boss, BIR and other offices reading this threads here on DI, I know they are well aware about certain topics.

    Another reason few reasons why that would never happen that DI makes an official statement:

    1.) We don't want to be involved in political and religious karabow-poo. The owners, admins and mods don't trust and believe in either.
    2.) It does not matter what would be stated, people would read : Rhoody said ...

    and I have already enough troubles because of DI-Member statements where i even did not post on those threads nor are the owner of this website, well but that's the Philippines.

    At the end of the day it is about some people wanna make money and everybody of us who is longer in the PI than 24 hours should know that.

    We also see our duty in informing people, not in taking positions and not as a (well I simply can not call NC a) newspaper, where the only reason for publishing it is, that the owner can talk about his opinion show blood all over the 20 pages,

    Anyway, the email addresses of the city hall and offices are public. So everybody who feels the desire to make a statement can mail them or send them links to different opinions here or on other pages.


  5. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Fair enough, thank you stating the DI position. As you state, if the powers that be actually read these threads, they are aware of realistic concerns the majority of us opine.
  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Pat, sadly the country of our choice does simply exclude aware of realistic concerns the majority of anybody :(

    I just heard a new story yesterday about LTO and regulations (not concerning private people but some business owner), where they just confiscate cars in surrounding cities like Bais and Bayawan because of non-registered license-plates. Happened last week more than once, one got his car back yesterday.

    But the car owners were forced by the LTU in Dumaguete to use this new license plates immediately after handed out last week.

    penalty for car/business-owner 160.000 Peso.
  7. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Think about it, this forum is for foreigners, about foreigners opinions/experiences and run by foreigners. While informative, put yourself in the shoes of an official even just a local who keeps up with this site and you would probably think we are a bunch of whiners who rarely come up with good solutions that are right for everybody.

    If you feel strongly about something you should personally contact that agency and their managers otherwise the ball is not in their court so why should they swing the bat. What gets tossed around here should only be considered a starting point. It takes alot more than just opinions and grumbles to get something done.
  8. truetoyou

    truetoyou DI New Member

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    It should be this month but as usual the law in the PHILIPPINES is not that strict and not being implemented to everybody in all places. Wearing helmet has been a law for decades now but only few cities are implementing it. Not even dumaguete. It's a shame that folks were making all kinds of law but not being implemented.
  9. NeddySterling

    NeddySterling DI Junior Member

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    :smile:Just out of interest is there a plan to make baby helmets for the under-fives?
  10. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    I was thinking this forum was open to everybody willing to contribute there share of information, locals and foreigners alike.
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