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low life locals

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by grandpainak, Nov 5, 2010.

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  1. grandpainak

    grandpainak DI Forum Patron Showcase Reviewer

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    I just read the post in the "Classifieds section" here and read where member "WHEELJACK" posted " i have more, im not like other low life locals here."

    LOW LIFE LOCALS? I will have Mr WHEELJACK know I am married to a LOCAL and d*mn glad and proud to be a part of this island community. I have him and any one for that matter, know that I have been ripped off "BIG TIME' twice. The first one was one which I made connection with here on this form. He ripped us off for more than $1,000.oo USD (45,000.oo PHP). The other which may or may not be a member of this form ripped us off for more than 200,000.oo PHP. This one we are not trying to recover anything from. We are, seeking criminal charges on him and are doing everything we can to see that he is DEPORTED.

    To address the "LOW LIFE" issue, I have met TWO and they were both "LOW LIFE FOREIGNERS"! Make me wish, my skin was darker and my nose flatter.

    My 2 centavos.
  2. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Thanks for being brave enough to let us know something like that is going on. I would be calling them something much worse. I hope you can get some retribution.
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Jim, sorry to hear you about your losses, hope you get the a_hole deported on thrown in the slammer. Would it be possible for you to provide information on the perps to help warn us, like nationality, age, or even their names? Some of have a lot of transactions going on locally and want to beware of getting screwed. Thanks
  4. OP

    grandpainak DI Forum Patron Showcase Reviewer

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    Would it be possible for you to provide information on the perps to help warn us, like nationality, age, or even their names? Some of have a lot of transactions going on locally and want to beware of getting screwed. Thanks[/QUOTE]

    I'm thinking that Mr. Rhoody would bark at me if I posted that info. This chat board has to watch their legal backsides. So, feel free to email me my address is grandpainak @ yahoo . com just take out the spaces, you know. I am always glad to met new friends.
  5. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    I here you. Some even pose as "friends". We too have had more problems with foreigners than we have had with the locals.

  6. Naropa

    Naropa DI Member

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    So Sad !!

    It is horrible when this happens, like our country cusins say allways beware, like the expression beware of Greeks bearing gifts. But we to have been ripped off not here but in Thailand and by a Dutchman he was so cleaver giving the family man butter wouldnt melt so to speak. And another who was a Brit she was so hard faced it was unreal, these people have no dought done it in the own countries before they try it overseas as you know we do let our guard down when we leave our home country.
    Learning to trust is hard but it still makes me sad to think that we could have lost everything as there is less or no protection in these countries.
    Good Luck with your case, we had a costly Litigation Lawyer who trained in the US. Give em hell !!!:mad:
  7. Naropa

    Naropa DI Member

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    Sorry guys forgot to spell check doing three things at once:confused:
  8. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    Ok, I'm always good for two cents worth.
    I am the 5th "foreigner to live in our barrio and I have had to overcome the bad taste of foreigners here.
    One was a man in his early 70's from the US that paid underaged girls to pose so he could sell pictures on the Internet. He's gone now.
    One was from Austraila and he spend two months here, got a local girl pregnant and left
    One was from the US and was an alcoholic who got another local girl pregnant. He now lives in CDO with another girl.
    One is a man that is in his 60's and lives here in CDO and he told me his sole purpose is to have sex with as many virgins as possible. He gets "engaged" to each girl.
    And then I came here and I have been trying my absolute best to prove to these "locals"
    that NOT ALL foreigners are "low-lifes".
  9. Dumainfo

    Dumainfo Guest Guest User

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    In Bacolod we met a man introducing himself as a US Air Force Colonel. He was a real gentleman and also a first class Con Man. My wifes sister in Dumaguete told us that he owed many foreigners money in Dumaguete and he also left 3 different apartment buildings without pay. He had a pregnant young wife that he left at the Guest House in Dumaguete 2 weeks prior to her having the child. This guy tells most people that he have a temporary problem with US bank and is waiting for his ATM card. He also told us that his US pension is $5000/month. He asked us for help, only $1000 to be paid back in one week.... well, not this time.... If you want to know who this man is send me a PM. Watch up, he is maybe back in Dumaguete. His wife now live securely with her family in Bacolod.
  10. linushuber

    linushuber DI Member

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    this is all interesting stuff to hear. i think to produce on the forum a black list of these kind of people should not be a problem rather a service; can this not be approved by the forum operator?
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