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low life locals

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by grandpainak, Nov 5, 2010.

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  1. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    Let's hope not.
    This is dangerous stuff, back to the Middle Ages and Joan of Arc's Death at the Stake.
  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Taking another approach, would it be ethical or practical for one to ask on DI, if they are going to do business with a certain firm or person, has anyone had a good or bad experience they can share in a PM, or something along those lines? For example, I am 99.9% satisfied with my builder, if someone would post and ask if anyone has worked with that firm before, I would respond positively. If it was a negative experience I would share that in a PM. We comment on good or bad restaurants all the time. I shared the case where I found out a member was an agent and I was paying a much higher percentage for the item I purchased. Although that is more along the lines of 'buyer beware", than getting screwed, I posted because I didn't think it was right for a local agent to use our forum for personal gain. I imagine (hope) if someone asked in a post if anyone had rented a house to the person who caused Jim a huge loss, Jim would respond with a warning. If that response should be in a PM or email, that is fine.
  3. linushuber

    linushuber DI Member

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    we rate everything, banks, contractors, so why not people who behave extremely negative in form of a warning; this has no legal implications for that person and nothing like in the middle ages where you were put on a heap of wood and burned.
    If someone is incorrectly accused of something, well then the accuser would have to face charges of back biting and ridicule; so I dont really see a problem in naming any such individual openly instead of hiding in private messages.
  4. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    There are several reasons why there will be no black-list. That will turn out like a kindergarten like on 99% of the boards which have one in place. Additional are there plenty of legal issues.

    We spend already about 4000 US$ as I got sued by a resort-owner in Bohol, for a post a DI member did on Tripadvisor!!!

    And it is not even about the issue itself after over a year 4 different judges and 17 hearings, it is still about formal stuff... in each real country the judge would have a good laugh and throw it in the bin....welcome to the Philippines...

    And now you tell me if you can see legal implications.

    But feel free to name somebody, but please include your full name, address and contact details.

    We have several members on a "watch-list" where we keep a good eye on it. Like in Grandpainak's case I would recommend to send me a pm or report the member in the appropriate way.
  5. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Very bad behavior

    Its got to be though with neighbors like that. The worst part is that you have to have the "victims" complain and put in a police report but of course they are more than victlms, they have been hurt in the worst way and it would be very hard to express themselves in these circumstances. Some may still believe they are loved or there is a possibility for change. These guys are the worst of the worst, I hope the tables get turned on them.
  6. linushuber

    linushuber DI Member

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    well, I understand that the forum has to be careful and, of course, if someone has some issue with another person, transparency must be complete i.e. the complaining party has to give full details of his own persons too.

    On the other hand, I just hate when people do it behind someone's back, without letting them know (e.g. via private mails) because like that the accused is unable to counter as he simply does not know what is going on. If I ever faced such a person, he would most certainly know it and it would be a very public issue as I may be extremely vocal about it.

    Well, that's me, which does not mean it is the perfect way, but I can't control my short fuse under such circumstances.
  7. tunji oluwajuyemi

    tunji oluwajuyemi DI Forum Adept

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    You know I had problem with a public relations guy at Siliman U. who must be used to false stories where when he asked about me I told him all, and honestly and when word came around a month or so later he had done investigation on me for what reason I know not and concluded I was never in the military thus not recieving any income from there as I claimed ,(he went on to tell every one in town also)...Of course he was a bad investigator and the U.S. privacy act forbids him from aquiring that information,so I take it as a lesson that those people who run on hysteria/assumptions are also a problem too..Any way i carry a military ID card and said nothing to the guy who investigated me and just showed the card to any one I knew who was concerned and don't bother any one for what they have as I would never come philippines if I didnt come ready self sufficient and able to pay others,,I guess the true test is if the person is asking more than you can afford to lose after that i prefer to give what I can afford to lose to a local who is the philippines in every thing it means,,I heard Aquino goes by that.
  8. newbieindgte

    newbieindgte DI New Member

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    If this all accusations are true...then why not post their names or photos here to warn other people...or could this be another URBAN LEGEND??? or another fancy stories to impress other members who read the posts here to let them know that you have so much :greedy:$ Lol!!!
  9. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Why say it if it isn't true?

    Rhoody has explained already the main reasons why names should not be mentioned
    I don't think anybody in this thread has set out to boast how much money they have or did have!. just making that clear.......regards JB
  10. OP

    grandpainak DI Forum Patron Showcase Reviewer

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    Yes I have

    Proof. I did report that DI member to the PNP. The PNP called him and his wife in for a talk. There was the Chief, his Sergeant. My wife and I, the accused and his wife. After the Chief presented the accused with the proof the accused through up his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I lied." The police though that this was quite funny because I had already gave them proof and they knew right from the start that they were both lying. That is a page or two in the Valencia's PNP record book.

    Crook #2 man in Cebu that I met here on DI. Clams to be a shipping agent but in fact is not. His Filipina partner/crook, is how ever, a licensed shipper/importer. They both stated that I was over charged by at least $1,000.oo USD. He stated that he would refund my over payment which he never did. I have documented proof of that also.

    Am I going to try to recoup any of the losses I suffered form this? NO because I will not live long enough to see it through the Philippine Court System.

    I only started this triad because Wheeljack had made the comment about "low life locals". Which just plain p*ss MY OFF. I only used my experience of being ripped off as to point out my feelings about "LOW LIFE LOCALS". Two out of two are foreigners.
    So, yes, I do have PROOF and it is in the hands of an Attorney. The attorney has instructions to do everything posable to have them charged with the crimes that they committed. It appears that at least three laws have been broken by him. I will do everything I can to see to it that the American gets DEPORTED!

    Rhoody, watch your mail for info on the subject.
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