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Only In The Philippines

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by andiflip, Jan 10, 2011.

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  1. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    Hello everyone, having lived here for over a quarter century i thought i had seen/experienced nearly everything but yesterday topped it off.. The missus has been in the hospital for the last few days so i am doing my own cooking and getting bored with it.. so Sunday supper looked like it was going to be a Big Mac and Fries.. "Problemo" I don't understand how it could have happened but was told there was no cheese for my burger and that they had run out of stock 3 days ago and were using local cheese but had no stock of that either.. How can this be with all McDo's computer weighing, inventory control, and other hi tech inovations to make every burger the same in any part of the world and quality of the highest standard.. Simple answer----- was told it was "Imported" and they had run out of stock.. Dhaaaaaaaaa. This is one case where i can honestly see why they can't keep up with Jolley Bee.. Multinational Company, Multinational Prices and Pinoy Management..
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    What McDonalds uses doesn't really pass for cheese, but all Pacific Rim countries do get most of their stock shipped in from a HUGE warehouse in Los Angeles. It must me so, as I saw it on the Discovery Channel. :D
  3. OP

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    I have no issue with the "Cheese" being imported but its the same with so many things here, why can't they get it right and order before they run out of stock,, same applies for chewing tobacco, dill pickles, spices etc..
  4. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    And....it is not only them, I'm afraid. I always get a sausage and egg pandera in the mornings at the Jolly Bee in KetKai Mall, when I go there.
    Yesterday, I was told that Jolly Bees was "out of sausage".
    I had pancakes instead.
    I don't know about "shipping" but I do know about the mail service here. I sent Rudy two cards from Houston October of 2009. They arrived after I got here and was already married in March of 2010. 5 months and 2 weeks to get two greeting cards.
    Yes, you are right, only in the Philippines.
  5. permres

    permres DI Forum Adept

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    Having been a materials' manager for several years, I have decided that they have not a clue as to "par levels" and doing inventory here. Everywhere I go it seems I hear the same thing "out of stock" or "not available". I believe they just order when they are completely out or customers start to complain.
  6. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Before I retired and thus still active, I worked for a a multi national company as a Q of S manager. I can only say that if the majority of companies doing business the way they do it here, will also do it in my country, I am afraid they all will be out of business within the shortest, possible time. The horror experiences when you order furnitures, appliances and so on could fill a book with .. pages. Moreover making a movie about might get a top ranking view in many European countries. But TIP (This is The Philipines, it's taking or leave it). So far I still take it with a smile or grimm on my face (lol).
  7. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    I experienced the no cheese syndrome on Friday. I ordered two cheeseburgers takeout to take over to my kid's school for snack and before I can get home I get an angry text and call regarding the box cheese on the burgers. I went to McDo and talked to the manager, she asked what I would like her to do, and I told her how about a refund. She asked for my receipt, I told her my wife had it, so they reprinted it and refunded my money with out so much as a squawk. If I had been Filipino i am sure I would have been told no receipt - no refund.

    I believe the problem is that they do not know how to order or they do are juggling money and don't have the money all of the time that they need. I am sure that every McDo in the country did not run out of cheese, just the ones run by morons.

    I think the McDo's in the NCR can make up for stupidity by either borrowing from other units or sending a delivery driver to the local warehouse in Manila to get items they need. Being out here all by itself, this McDo does not have that luxury.

    As a side note: Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the managers at McDo are growing exponentially around the waist and Rear? I am sure they are eating all of the "waste".

    I saw a skinny one there a couple of months ago and asked her if she was new and she replied "Yes, how could you tell?" I told her she was still small and she asked what I meant by small. I did the old "Filipino lip point" at the other manager and she laughed, but it was an uneasy laugh because she knows she will grow into the role of manager too.
  8. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    Same with Mandarin Tea House Rest. in the back of Robinson.... out of stock, out of stock and the real bad one is San Miguel Light, OUT OF STOCK!
    They picked a LUKE WARM beer from Robinson's Super Market to please me.
    What a day!


  9. guitarjohnjohn

    guitarjohnjohn DI Member

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    it has recently come to light what these fast food empires are using to make their products--as you well might expect-- all beef means exactly just that. they process the entire animal,from hoofs to head to the butt--everything-- 100% pure beef. problem is just what part of the animal are you willing to ingest??? they somehow get away with processing the most undesrieable parts by passing them thru long pipes and subjecting them to treatments with ammoinia.... a very toxic substance as you well know..so cheese if you please is probably just another ersatz--made from re-cycled panty hose. if you value your health--do not eat any of this garbage--just look @ the americans who subsist on this crap--grossly overweight and brains like walnuts later JL
  10. Lukester

    Lukester DI Junior Member

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    No cheese, same price!

    So, I went into McDonald's this morning and ordered an Egg Sausage McMuffin. The gal taking my order promptly informed me that there was no cheese for my McMuffin. I asked, "That's OK! How much is it without cheese?" She replied that the price was the same. "Huh??? I am getting less for the same price? Does that make any sense to you?" I replied. She added that she would speak to her manager about this.

    So, they screw-up in their supply lines and the customers get less than they should for the same price!!! I feel that McDonald's is inconsiderate to their customers to the point of blatant greed. At the very least, they are inflexible to alter their prices as they should.

    Yes, yes, yes, I know this is the Philippines!!! Yes, yes, yes, I know it is a small matter. But it doesn't make it any more right!
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