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Is it possible?

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by StokiePhill, Mar 26, 2011.

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  1. dodong

    dodong DI Member

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    The last 7 months I've been spending about $30 a day. Wouldn't be painful to lower it to $20, but wouldn't want to try $24 a day for 2 people.

    If the woman is willing to work to contribute to the expenses then your lifestyle would be better. Plus that way you could avoid the trap of being together 24/7.

    At $24 a day, a housewife / live-in DH / mooching gf are luxuries you should do without.
  2. Bebasguy

    Bebasguy DI Member

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    Changing exchange rate and the budget

    A couple of years ago, when I was trying to decide if I could live in the Philippines on $1,100 per month the dollar would buy about P50. The budget looked pretty good. Now, with the rate about P43.4 per dollar, things are getting a little dicey. More dollars are flowing into the P.I. than are going out, at the rate of about $200 million or more excess per month. With that kind of pressure, the peso will almost certainly continue to strengthen and the exchange rate will continue to worsen for us converting dollars. Soooooo..... when you plan your budget, don't base it on today's exchange rate.
  3. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    Its not enough money, don't do it.
  4. derivative_guru

    derivative_guru DI Senior Member

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    You can certainly survive on it...but, only survive. I would advise against the move based on that budget or even if your lady has job and is contributing, you will still probably not be living the way you want to live.

    Bebas also makes a good point. The peso is likely to continue strengthening which will strangle an already tight budget.
  5. Gass

    Gass DI Forum Adept

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    all what has to be said, no matter in how many paragraphs.
  6. boomerang

    boomerang DI Member

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    I never realised that I am living with the big spending jet-set out the western countrys :confused:
  7. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    That's not a lot of money to live on anywhere in the world....you might survive...for a while. Have you considered working a few more years? A lot us are doing it.....unfortunately....
  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
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    Your Not!

    :eek: I doubt very much there are many big pension earners in Dgte. Most of us will have on average 45.000p disposable income to retire on. My Wife tells me we can save 1/3 of that, After the house is finished and I retire in 2013. She says I can still have my fried breakfast :D
    She comes from a Family Home of 14+ The total income is 42.000p and they live well, 2 cars 7 bikes. Here I believe is the answer, make sure your wife lives according to her upbringing and all will be well. Housing will be the big thing. This comes not from me but from her. It is difficult to educate people who have had nothing, then we arrive! Firefly, will often tell us, "Time to take those Rose Coloured Glasses Off" Life is not easy anywhere, time to stop thinking WEST we are not there anymore, When in Rome springs to Mind here. We have to think more of living week to week, one up from day to day as the PI have always done, She tells me that she heard of an old saying, "Look after the Pennies and the Pounds will look after themselves" (Cents and Dollars too) (Cents and €) I have a Good one (Wife) I believe that this is the Answer, as in any Marriage (Relationship) Time to stop being a family ATM and if we wake up to reality, 45.000p per month, is going to give us a comfortable life here (Depending on our own Amusements) as I have read so many times, it will not go as far in our own countries. When the SHTF in the West, getting out will be difficult. Try and sell ahouse now! I just took a whopping 30% loss in Spain. Good Luck to you all, as a BRIT, I'm Alright Jack! I listened and learned the hard way. :wink:

    Jack P. :smile:
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,235 / 1,090
    So true!

    :wink:garbonzo, That is exactly why I decided to go back to Spain and do some more, I need to finish the house before I retire and I know it is the only way, I miss my girls but with the world as it is, only by doing this can I give them that little extra security. As I said in my post before, in any country, housing is the problem, sort that that and we are more than 1/2 way there. I have been Lucky, Hard work and a Good Wife, Pretty Good Health, Roll on 2013 :D

    Jack P.:smile:
  10. OP

    StokiePhill DI New Member

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    Hi again

    Thanks for all your replies and advise, Firefly44 I did not think anyone would remember my previous post?? anyway, as stated things have not quite panned out as planned, "the best laid plans of mice and men" and all that LOL.

    The issue with regard to my pension did initially really knock me back, I have been given information for the last two years that led me to believe that I would be receiving more than is now on the table, it is so annoying that the goal posts can be moved at the eleventh hour resulting in me being disadvantaged, but what the hell, can't change it and again what do they say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

    As firefly44 pointed out, at 65 I can receive my OAP {and i think I wil be amongst the last generation to receive old age pension at that age?} so at the present rate that would give me an extra P24,000 a month in 5 years time.

    In the mean time from the savings I have I can boost the £450.00 a month pension income by a further £200 to £250 a month and still have a reasonable amount left as a lump sum for any unforeseen misfortunes, of which I fear as things are going just now there may be many hahahahah.

    So that would give me a monthly income of between P45,500 {£650.00} & P49,000 {£700.00} . My lady friend has produced the following budget based on having £450.00 income ;-

    10,000 - rent
    1,500 - water
    3,000 - electric
    1,600 - internet and cable
    8,000 - food,bath soap and detergent soap that is good for 1 month
    1,000 - gas for 1 month or we can make it 2 months depends of we used it more often
    2,000 - for clothes
    28,100.00 - total cost for 1 month
    3,900 -remaining money from our budget.
    Does this seem like a reasonable budget? like I said before I am not looking for anything extravagant in regards to life style, I do also appreciate that having a little extra income will allow for any excursions/trips etc,
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