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Use Silliman Hospital at your own risk!

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by Manzanita, Apr 24, 2011.

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  1. fallenviking

    fallenviking Ring Ring. Who's calling?

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    Dgte. Hospitals. a personal experience.

    Hello again. I feel like telling about my first and hopefully last experiences with Dgte. Hospitals. My first trip to Philippines was back in 1987. I arrived in Dgte. about December 2. I stayed at the Santa Monica Resort. After about one week in Dgte. I started to develop a bad fever, on and off type. Then one morning in my room, I fell down, unable to move. Then I was rushed to Holy Child hospital. Where some young pretty nurses nurses listened to my heartbeat etc. Then I was put in a wheel chair. And nothing more happened. After a couple of hours, I get even worse with a high fever. A Norwegian who was around, told me I should go to Silliman Hospital. He said it was the best around. Then to Silliman we went. An elderly important looking Doctor checked my condition. He said* Your eyes looks very red, and fever is on and off, you got Dengue fever* Never heard about this fever, I asked if it was serious? Yes, said Doc. You should have come here before. Maybe to late now.:(
    Then after handing out some 2000 Peso, I was given a room.
    There I lay waiting for the end or whatever. The next morning I was able to sit up and felt a little better. When the Doc. came on his visits, he looked a little surpized to see me sitting up. Then he changed his diagnosis into acute sinusitus. After this I felt really exhausted and tired, then another Lady Doctor came around. Asking some questions. Then she said, I think you really got a depression.:confused: I got better, and after one week, I was released from Silliman. I was given some antibiotics, and was told *You got some type of Amoeba infection, take this medicine for a week.

    Then, I payed the hospital bills.and left. So, that was one week in hospital and four different diagnosis, no less. But was feeling a little better after leaving the hospital. Then some days later, I left Dgte. for Manila, on my way back to Norway. After a couple of days in Manila, the fever and pain, came back. I was then rushed to Manila Doctors Hospital. Thx. God.
    After just about a ten minutes full check, the Doctor there told me* Sir, you got Typhoid fever, you must be admitted now.*

    After one week I was released from hospital, weak and 10 kilo's less weight.
    But thx. God for Manila Doctors. After that, I have been sceptical about DGTE. Hospitals.
  2. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Thanks for the heads up, Fallenviking. Hope you have fully recovered :smile:

    good job you went to Manila, they sorted you out with the real symptoms and medical treatment. just wondering if Cebu have any decent Hospitals.
  3. moveingon

    moveingon DI Member

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    I would suggest that when we et poor medical treatment at any of the doctors or hospitals that we go see the director of the hospital a lodge a formal complaint. I have hear and seen to many broken bones set very poorly and most have had to have them re broke in another country and set properly.

    Also we need to complain about the over charging just because we are white.

    If we do not take a vested interest in this we are playing Russian roulette with our family's and our own lives.

    If we don't, we will have no reason to complain when they kill or disfigure one of us.
  4. moveingon

    moveingon DI Member

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    I would suggest that when we et poor medical treatment at any of the doctors or hospitals that we go see the director of the hospital a lodge a formal complaint. I have hear and seen to many broken bones set very poorly and most have had to have them re broke in another country and set properly.

    Also we need to complain about the over charging just because we are white.

    If we do not take a vested interest in this we are playing Russian roulette with our family's and our own lives.

    If we don't, we will have no reason to complain when they kill or disfigure one of us.
  5. Tom2bad68

    Tom2bad68 DI Forum Adept

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    I don't know which Dr's you guys are seeing but I have taken my parents to a diabetes specialist and to a Cardiologist at Siliman. Just for checkup and to get prescriptions. Before either would do anything they ordered lab work and after seeing the lab then we discussed medicines and such.

    IMHO there is no substitute for relationship with your Dr. For me it takes time to build trust with medical professionals. I know that I do not want the emergency room doc who knows nothing of my history to make the final decision.

    Also always remember who the Dr works for. Most people I have met seem to think that Drs. walk on water. I do not. They are human and fallible at every level including the best of the best back home.

    We are not in Kansas anymore and we need to remember that when the Stuff hits the fan. I agree that the best advice in a serious situation is to get to Cebu or Manila after getting stable here.
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    In One Tom!

    Tom! We as a Family, through our Phil Health, have regular Lab tests, Azon for work and me and the Monster, as we are Co-Members. Regular testing and Preventitive Action is a Must, on this I will Agree with you.
    Ad-Hoc Visits can and will be just, Hit & miss. The more the Meds know about us, the better health care we can Expect (Well hope for) :wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
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