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3 dead after shooting at San Jose State University

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by newbie27, May 13, 2011.

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  1. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I have many acquaintances that I am on friendly terms with, but I do not have so many friends I would want to lose a single one. For me, the answer was to tell my friend that his wife was cheating on him even though I knew I would probably lose his friendship. He was my friend, he needed to know, I could do no less. I'd like to thank Newbie27 for the warning. I have heard such warnings before and I take them to heart, but a reminder isn't a bad thing either.
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    All said and Done!

    :wink:Newbie! after all that has been said and done, I commend you. You obviously feel for this Guy! Not wanting to say bad things against the lady, Quite right, However. I get this Gut Feeling, That you would, really like to tell him all about what is happening. For me, NO! you are NOT! a Gossip at all, I think You have a inbuilt desire, to put something right. I don't know, nor I guess, does anyone else, on DI, knows this man or the true situation, Only you and your conscience can come to terms with this. I hope that you can make the right decision about what to do.
    Can I ask you 1 Question? Do you KNOW! this man.?
    If you do, know him, would he Listen to you.?
    If You don't Know him, Does it matter?

    Any way, Good luck with the problem. :wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Some of you have wives in school here. What would you do if you found her with a local guy in a car or in privacy?
  4. Kojak

    Kojak DI Forum Adept

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    Probably nothing..... I would certainly have a quiet conversation with my wife about the situation..... "Without trust.....there is no love.....without love.....there is nothing

    I do not give strange women a ride because it creates a bad image and gossip
    A woman with huge breasts....I do not look out of respect for my wife.... I do not "harmlessly " flirt....out of respect for my wife.....I am constantly aware of how my actions might impact my wife....make her feel "uncomfortable"

    There is no way to make a woman stay or be faithful to you.....you can only make her WANT to be with you
  5. bounty98

    bounty98 DI Member

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    honestly I wouldn't be bothered by it. I trust my wife. But even more than that I know her, she is not interested in local guys...Now if it was a Japanese guy!!! lol
  6. bounty98

    bounty98 DI Member

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    I am kind of curious about this...My wife drives as well as handles our business, she is independent and I respect that. If I saw her with someone in the car I would assume it had to do with business or giving a friend or relative a ride or some such thing, that is what would occur to me. I'd ask who it was and she would tell me...You guys would get jealous about something like that or consider it improper? If your wife in America was to give a guy a ride home would that be improper? Is this like a different standard kind of thing or something? Is it an age thing? I really do not see what the big deal is...maybe i am stupid..who knows
  7. caulfield12

    caulfield12 DI New Member

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    There's a saying in life, never marry someone at least two "levels" above you (on the infamous ten scale)!!!

    From looking at her Facebook page, the girl who was killed was very pretty, maybe not quite a model, and the guy who was shot along along with her was pretty much the All-American type as well.

    Ironic that he was possibly jeopardizing his own marriage...and possibly shot/killed in an innocent misunderstanding, from all accounts.

    Of course, we'll never know the real story unless she had confided in some of her friends and family about what was actually going on...in general, that almost 30 year age difference is a pretty big warning sign, but it's not impossible that she loved her husband and was faithful to him.

    On the other hand, common sense and simple logic tells you that a girl in her mid 20's is going to find a lot more things to talk about with others her same age or at her university. It's a slippery slope. You can't keep a bird caged or it will run away from you, as the saying goes, but freedom can also be dangerous if the relationship isn't 100% on solid footing.
  8. Brucewayne

    Brucewayne DI Member

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    Singapore divorces are accepted here and I know two seamen who took advantage of it so they could remarry.

  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    mm Continued!

    I ask only, to clarify some points and ease my tired Mind, Newbie!! was her ex-Husband a Pinoy? If so and they married in the PI, They are not Divorced at all. From our last thread on Divorce, it came out that Only a Foreigner, Obtaining the Divorce Outside the PI, can Legally divorce a Pinay Wife. This would leave her free to remarry. If they are both Filipinos and married in the PI then there is no Divorce, Annulment yes! Maybe! :confused:

    Now! If this is the Case, It sounds like a Scam and if I knew him, I would certainly let him Know. We have heard some strange and sometimes fatal results about this sort of thing. This is the nearest I have been to anything like this and it Stinks of Rotten Eggs to me.

    Jack P.:(
  10. bounty98

    bounty98 DI Member

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    really...your not that familiar with this sort of thing? Well I am speculating on what the situation is but I have witnessed any number of them. I am assuming its a fellow that has only met the woman briefly and proposed marriage, perhaps over the internet. In terms of her already being married to a Pinoy the term marriage I believe is used loosely in the PI and it could be common law which is in fact legal there. Same thing happens to guys that meet girls in bars, the very first thing you need to deduce is if they are already in a relationship because for them that is not going to be a deal breaker. I want to add that to me its not a question of the girls nationality but that you do not propose to a girl before you really know her. This sort of thing could happen anywhere. In fact I was involved in the same sort of deal back in the states years ago with a British guy so who knows. Personally I would not get involved...
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