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U.S. SSA Checks Could be Delayed

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Jul 14, 2011.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    The debt crisis in the U.S. could cause August social security and also veteran payments to be delayed. Republicans and O'Bamma at odds in debt borrowing options. Could it happen? The Treasury cannot issue checks if there are not sufficient funds coverage. Options appear to be borrow and raise the debt or cut expenses.

    Social Security Checks Could Be Delayed Without Debt-Ceiling Deal - FoxNews.com
  2. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    It's financial terrorism....

    what these crooks are saying is "up our credit limit so we can borrow more money to give away to our corrupt Wall Street buddies, or Grandma can starve to death"

    I predict this all won't end well...
  3. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Or Millions sent over seas to try and buy off so called friendship, Grandma is on the bottom of the list even tho she payed into the system most of her working life.:mad:
  4. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Not just gramma. The article indicates veteran retirement checks could also be impacted, might impact a few guys here, hope not.
  5. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Ya I was trying my best to be nice, but can you imagine what will happen if the checks are not sent? Obama will loose his last supporter, the homeless shelters and soup kitchens will be bulging and anarchy in the street's.

    Considering how hard it is to live in the States on such a small income, a high majority of retired, disabled and veterans are living month to month with no room in their budget to spare.

    Starting this month my retired mother's SS was reduced $25 and my aunt who only makes $800 was reduced $15 per month.

    Ok I should stop before I start a rant (or continue mine).:D
  6. cardijo

    cardijo DI Junior Member

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  7. Relayer

    Relayer Guest Guest User

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    Next Obama finanical plan... Make poor people fight for food stamps. Now Thats Entertainment!!!

    I saw a thread about y we left the USA... this video could be reason #1.
  8. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    It's happening in UK too. They speak of handing out "government money" in aid to various countries. But governments don't have any money, they are custodians of public money. The UK government is handing an eye-watering 1 billion pounds (1.6 billion dollars, or 70 billion pesos) to India, which inturn has its' own aid programme to Africa. India can't feed its people, but they have a space programme !!! Pakistan, a hotbed safe haven (usually) for terrorist organisations, is also getting 1/2 billion pounds to fight terrorism. hahaha. That's like giving an alcoholic a case of Scotch in the hope that it will help him to stop drinking. At the same time as giving all this money away, they are closing wards in UK hospitals, people can't get to see a dentist, old peoples homes are closing rapidly, the elderly are now so short of money that they have to make a choice of heat or eat, more and more children are getting free meals in school because their parents are now below the poverty line, veterans pensions are not increased in line with inflation so the buying power is in constant decrease, and the list of homeless people is growing at a frightening rate. Yes indeed, what is happening to our American cousins has crossed the Atlantic and is happening to us too.
  9. Kirk

    Kirk DI New Member

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    My UK brother is right. The US is in trouble, and Obama has dug a WAY deeper hole than Bush left us in. I retire in 3 years, but I guess I can't count on SS checks. Obama has money, so he really doesn't care about us who need that to help with our retirement. I have worked for 43 years, I derserve to kick back and move to Dumaguete and enjoy life.
  10. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    If you do not get an SS check it is not because of Obama! Last I heard it was the republicans that refuse to raise revenue and want to do away with SS, healthcare and anything else you think you worked for. If you are holding stocks I reccommend converting to cash because the whole net is about to open if the republicans refuse to compromise and the US defaults on its debts. The good thing is that stocks are potentially about to become real cheap once the market crashes (again) and if there is no compromise that looks like the reality.
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