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Living Budget in $USD per Month

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by devildog4, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. RCS

    RCS DI Junior Member

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    If we move to Philippines within a few years we will have around 2500$ to live on. I know we can live ok on that me and my wife. Im Norwegian so the Nok is not as weak and "unsafe" as the dollar is now. My income will also be index regulated...

    My experiance staying only for two three months in philippines is that its enough, even for two persons. And i dont think there wold be any reason for complaints.

    Anyway my money is almost 8 times moore worth in phil then Norway, and im supposed to live on this amount in Norway..... And Norway is not known for its cheap cost of living. Hey even Germans bring their own beer when traveling to Norway.

    Btw i wold newer buy a car in phil unless its for racing!! Ore for driving kids to school :-)
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Depending how many years that will be, I have a suspicion, you will be amongst the upper class, with that amount, as disposable income. I do not think you will have any Worries.:smile:
    Many Foriegners live on far less and are Quite content.

    Jack P. :smile:
  3. RCS

    RCS DI Junior Member

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    Hehe, i was not so clear on that one. This will be ouer monthly income. I shuldent Use dollar. If i use a calk online i get 108.000php eatch month. That shuld be enough to also save for a yearly trip back to Norway every year. Its tempting looking at some of the nice houses there to sell my house in norway and buy a nice place in phil, but i think for me its smart having the backup plan if anything happens. If helth gets realy bad philippines is not the place to be!!

    Anyway, hundred thousand pesos a month is moooore then enough for us. I culd be ok on half im shure!
  4. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I should hope so too, I can live in the UK for that. In fact I do. :eek:

    100,000.00 PHP = 1,463.30 GBP
  5. RCS

    RCS DI Junior Member

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    There you go...In Norway this is not enough. I wold think Norway is a bit moore expensive to live in then UK? Its actualy now not rare that ppl pay this just for the house....Thats a werry moderate house to. Young ppl often buy houses for over 3million Nok witch mean they will have to pay close to doubble that price just to keep up with the loan of the house....

    This is one reason im tired of living in Norway. Its all good if you have a great job and your wife also have a good job. Then you can be ok in Norway. But if your not that lucky and your sick like me your under sosial welfare the rest of your life.... Im not there yet, but im afraid next year i am.... And i dont like that idea to have a minimum to get by. My wife will also newer be alowed to travle back home... So mutch better to cope without in philippines....

    My only issue is my 12 year old son witch lives with me... I wold want to bring him with me, but im not shure his mom agree...:-)
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :confused: I take it then, you and your wife are SEPERATED! To me, If you have custody, you have to consider his best interest. A lot of us here have a 12 year old and they are very aware of life, Not like we were, at the same age.
    When he next Visits the PI, Maybe a 12 year old get together can be arranged.:D

    Jack P.:smile:
  7. RCS

    RCS DI Junior Member

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    Now this is a bit of topic, but maby one of the moore important issues when it comes to moving to Philippines if you have kids. I agree with you 100% that it shuld be in the kids best interest and this is where im not yet shure. Im shure his mom (We have been divorced for almost 4 years now) wold not like the idea. But then she havent nearly done here job taking care of here son and i have been the one taking care of him for all these years. He is also struggeling with school here. He have ADHD witch dont make it better for him. So a change might do him good.

    But then you have the "future" issue. Is there a Future for kids in general in Philippnes? Espesialy if they are not good at school? I have tried to ask this question before what you guys are thinking when it comes to your kids future...When they become 18 and wants to get a job ore want to start planning their own life. Is there a possability for them in Philippines? I doubth it?

    So if i will bring my 12year old son there it wold have to be for a shorter time. Just to see how he manage and if he can cope with the culture diffrances there. Friends is important and having a 12year old get together wold be a smart move :-). But how long he culd stay there i dont know....

    Tell me what your thinking when it comes to kids and their future when they grow older? I might be wrong. Maby there is a good future for them there? Ore maby most travle home when they get of the right age?
  8. Don

    Don DI Member

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    The equivalent to 2,000 SD should be plenty...maybe a little "tight" if you pick the Manila area - but in the provinces you will be quite well off....VERY well off.

    As to your son...okay for a 12 yr. old, but send him to a good private school. However, that said, by the time he's 18....if he hasn't gotten any lovely young 16 or 17 y.o. Filipina girl pg....he'll have a tough time getting a job. I do not think there's much of a decent future for him here...just my opinion.
  9. Don

    Don DI Member

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    The equivalent to 2,000 USD should be plenty...maybe a little "tight" if you pick the Manila area - but in the provinces you will be quite well off....VERY well off.

    As to your son...okay for a 12 yr. old, but send him to a good private school. However, that said, by the time he's 18....if he hasn't gotten any lovely young 16 or 17 y.o. Filipina girl pg....he'll have a tough time getting a job. I do not think there's much of a decent future for him here...just my opinion.
  10. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    It Depends,

    :rolleyes: Well, I will agree with most of this, the main thing is Education, If a 12 year old can adapt and become part of any System, he will stand a chance of a Future. We as parents have a Choice in some of this. As a Westerner, monitoring his adjustment, will have a big effect on the End Result. It is the type of Education, that is important. Our OP has the means to see to this, we are not talking about a kid, off the street here are we. I hope that he will look beyond the norm, Building, Shop Work etc: lets hope it is a Professional career that is in the offing.

    Jack P.

    (@ RCS, I will answer your PM Shortly.)