Are USA DOT approved helmets legal there? I am planning a trip and would like to bring my own if I can.
Unless it has been inspected, Issued the ICC sticker by the DTI the simple answer is NO. As we have heard just recently, you can have the worlds best Helmet, costing hundreds of $. If it don't have the DTI approval and Sticker it will not be legal. Stupid ?? YES where else :D only in the PI
Actually, but no guarantee. A friend has an expensive DOT approved helmet, he went late to DTI and couldn't get a sticker. They told him the DOT helmet "should be ok". Yesterday he was ricing with that helmet and the police said it was ok, but he did get nailed because his GF on the back wasn't wearing one.
Currently supposedly a DOT helmet will pass, but time will tell if they pass that info on to the "enforcers". Larry
I have the same problem. DOT helmets. I just came across this video. You might have to have your wife interpret it for you. Might be nice if the LTO could see it in Dumaguete so they would recognize them. UPDATED List of Approved Motorcycle Protective Helmet | juntariman I also sent a email with the link to one of the heads of the DTI in Dumaguete.
I got an in China produced helmet with DOT and let it check in November at the local department and got an ICC sticker for it. DOT was as an approved quality standart in their list. But unfortunately this days - when you can get the sticker for free - are over. Therefore leave your helmet at home. You need to get a local one no matter how shitty it will be if it got the sticker on it. Welcome to the bureaucracy of the Philippines!
I don't think the Spider helmets are complete sh*t. They are reasonably priced. Had one myself until someone jacked it and I was quite pleased with it, although I never kissed the ground with it on.
'Troy Lee Design' is the brand but m,y guess is there are much more brands who are producing in China,,