Off-topic? A man walks into a synagogue with his dog. He goes up to the Rabbi and he says Rabbi, I want my dog to have a Bar Mitzvah and I want...
I recall someone I know, attending a State High school here, being sent a text by a 'teacher' at about 9 pm on a Sunday with a list of materials...
[Sorry, but the tabulated format at the end of this posting changed when submitted and so might take a bit of figuring out]. Group AB is rare...
I am not mechanically inclined either but am wondering if one possibility is that the battery is not charging well during daily use - that could...
I assume that every supporter will be saddened that an attempt to assassinate him took place (and came very close to success) and every...
This event will have saddened every person in the World who knows of Trump.
Good advice, as usual. Unfortunately I read only the online version of the Manila Times and so may I ask now: Where do you think is best for...
I was on the beach this weekend after sundown - the recent wet weather has increased the numbers of mosquitos a lot and I felt being bitten many...
As an obvious expert Jimlad, may I ask if you have researched this and which newspaper is best?
As IF they have a clue! My wife TELLS them NOT to put other products in the tray - only raw meat. This applies even if she has not bought any...
In my opinion all householders should be allowed to use machine guns on burglars but in real life perhaps your wife's concerns would be lessened...
I am not aware of your countertops so please do not take this an insult! But are you sure they are pure granite as most granite and marble...
Not sure if this has been up-dated on another thread, but recently travelled using Ceres Bus to Cebu and back. To Cebu: Fecking 'Boneshaker' of...
Address please? :)
And private browsing is misunderstood as being able to browse anything and no-one ever knows! It simply means it is not recorded on the gadget you...
It is surprising how much an amateur can do (especially if using YouTube): My ASUS (budget VivobooBook15 - but nevertheless terrible) has had...
Very sad for the family and what a terrible disease that takes those so young. And so nice to hear from you here again - I am sure we all miss...
Sound advice as finding anyone here who can do a job properly is as difficult as finding a virgin (also worth keeping contact info).
WHAT!!! No offers??? Cataclysmic! :cat: Catastrophe! :cat:
Whilst I was writing the above, my wife was checking NORD's website and came up with Standard Plan (which is what we have) at: 1 month $12.99 1...