You wrote: "Now if that was a child ?" But I don't think a child would race out of the front door and attack you like that Jimlad!
My wife had an expensive type of steam iron (Tefal) which we brought here from the UK repaired by PROTECH on the left side of the main highway...
So use it as a lubricant elsewhere and see how it feels?
I wrote something recently about this but can't find it here now. The latest evidence points to this probably being very bad and mostly in the...
1. To skip 2024 as it is BOUND to be BAD. 2. For me to be LESS optimistic! 3. Not to have to think of THREE wishes!
So is visual inspection the only way to detect oil no longer fit for purpose? I have the same system for food as I eat some that is years out of...
I suppose that one way to look at it as an overall process - if something is mostly enjoyed by the wealthiest (a luxury) then better they pay more...
I might be an indication of a place here if it has a Vikings - Bacolod has and so does Iloilo, but not Dumaguete.
I agree with immigration controls because you simply cannot fit a quart into a pint pot - BUT to allow people to spend a fortune on Visas for 2.5...
I partly agree - I know that but I asked my dog and she was oblivious. Probably because she has the same mental capacity (and not referring to...
In the UK they forced shotgun owners to register their weapons (with a fee) - the crooks didn't bother. This is how life works.
The question was: "Can I ask where you went" and @NowandThen gave a 100% accurate reply - what is your issue? I notice your negative attitude was...
Probably not of concern to most on the forum in terms of finances but some big increases in car taxes from next year: Passenger cars with a gross...
You write about your knee and Jack about his stoke and we give LIKES! I know you are aware why that is - but would be useful to have a more...
But that's not how anaphylactic shock works! Not saying that any vaccine would cause it but taking more of something you had previously (and...
I look at safety (as far as is possible in a country wracked by natural disasters) - looking at safety is one of my hobbies! I would rule out...
SOLD! But I've never been there.
I would be wary of going to any private clinic unless you have firm recommendations - such as someone who went there a year ago and still have...
Except all the non-Brits! :)
I think this is shocking. They could reduce the numbers of imported workers vastly if they bothered to set up training schemes for those UK...