The American's status as single is a different problem. Nowadays the Consulate will tell you to do an affidavit with a local attorney. The...
How long did the replacement Bohol airport take to become functional? Ten years? Don't count your chickens before they're hatched!
I am on their email list, although I have not been successful yet in establishing a new login password, as required to actually book a flight....
This was the weekly schedule planned for February. Don't know if it's been updated: [ATTACH]
For Mexican, Señorita's--where is it now? Still at the airport, or back on the South Highway?
I have insured to the max for a decade with Stronghold, their office in the pension house across the street from Qyosko, near where Belcris used...
Covid-2019 is not the only virus, especially during winter season. I've been experiencing the same in people around me, so far I am unaffected...
From what I have read, moonshine was privately distilled (in the deep woods by the light of the moon) within the USA. Smuggling from Canada or...
I can inform you and all that in my recent experience it is not asked for either (1) applying online for 5-year renewal, nor (2) in-person when...
"Virtual medical?" What is that? The LTO web site asks for medical certificate forwarded by examiner to the LTO. WHERE can one get for med exam in...
Probably Dumaguete, Macias Center.
Availability of the deep-freeze mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna) is a day to day thing. Deploy to the field at the wrong time, and some expires and...
Sorry. I meant the previously referenced polyurethane (in liquid form).
I painted a new cabinet with poly, also the front door with remainder. Termites elsewhere, but not there.
They say that every internet argument will at some point devolve into a reference to Nazi. I would go one step further. The party that references...
According to official reporting of this province, most deaths from Covid are identified as "unvaccinated" or "vaccination status unknown". I do...
There are some competent builders in Dumaguete, both foreign and domestic. If you have experience with one, post a recommendation, as we do with...
How about the Dgte-Cebu air link by CebuPacific? I see it scheduled, but is that real? I've done enough third-world buses already to fill a lifetime.
The "citizen" part is meant literally. Unlike American English, where it stands for any "senior".