Takes time. For some years after the helmet law began to be enforced, it was seen on no more than 1 in 20 riders. Now it's nearly everyone....
Probably not. More concerned would be restaurateurs and the like, their percentage capacity being easy to monitor. I hear that the better...
Here is the official definition of the levels. Your "on the ground" assessment is accurate, as far as I can see. [ATTACH]
Dr. Estación yesterday allowed that many are requesting booster shots. However, the national IATF does not yet allow it, so that even she (even...
It was only for renewals.
What a non-sequitur. You don't think nurses have a college degree? B.S. and M.S. both, in many cases. They are not plumbers.
The very few, but to my mind most believable scientists say that taking action 20 years ago would have been timely. When Al Gore was warning us....
Maybe so. But as a practical matter, they could not pass up Sinovac, waiting for something better, as some of us have done, without losing their...
Used it first on medical front-liners who cannot refuse.
Alas, maintenance is a a circular and never-ending process. Wind is more likely the culprit than rain. I am glad to see them doing regular...
Today, Thursday?
Okay, lessons learned. Don't make the trip out of province a family vacation. Not these days. Don't take the wife and kids to Cebu City. Don't...
Forgive the rant, but today's "caravan visit" to Sibulan was a confused melee and, in the end, probably a superspreader event. Announced was one...
That's a good site for foot traffic. Not for motor access and parking--not when Silliman U. is in session. I will continue to avail of their...
In the post-pandemic reality, this is one sort of family gathering that would best be turned into a Zoom.com meeting, except for those in the...
"Buffet! Discount for groups!" Think "Typhoid Mary"
On further consideration, it may be that they have tested positive without illness or symptoms. That would be nothing new or especially alarming...
How are hospital staff getting infected at this stage of the pandemic? Are they not using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE?) Are they eschewing...
As a former educator, I'm in the "poor education" party. This includes literacy, but also motivation and application sufficient to compete 12-year...
There is a nominal charge (BPI), about $5 per check.