Today's catch, as related by Dr. Estación was quite large. Of note, a student proposing to travel, caught asymptomatic. A one-year-old, Lo-oc...
Your bank has a land-line number. Ask the caller for it. Not as easy to change as cellular. I give this advice to people about employment-abroad...
They ain't gonna do it, no how. Go to the consulate website for advice on alternative ways to notarize your 'I am not married' statement. No info...
Expert assessment for USA, based on random testing, ranges from 19% to 30% already infected (CNN). Again sympathizing with the gentlemen, I...
Yes, I had the same thought. Testing in the province is limited to one small lab at the Provincial Hospital, and what they can send to labs in...
Thanks for this full account of current law and news. I heard (on the Facebook stream of her daily briefing) Dr. Estación list the American who...
I cannot disagree with any of this. But that does not compel me to agree. Hospitalization is a poor metric. It requires a doctor to refer, and a...
Perhaps I misunderstood the thrust of your argument. I thought it was the old saw, "Covid numbers are not so large, they [dishonest doctors] are...
In your eagerness, you have misread. Here is the actual report:
This is true, but I have observed that the various supermarkets do not compete. In fact, they will comparison shop to determine the highest price...
I see, on, a description of Terazosin as replacement for Tamsulosin as symptomatic treatment for prostatitis. Has anyone had it...
This is a realistic way to formulate the law. The enforcer should not be put in the position of needing to verify the claimed domicile of each...
A quick "google" search turns up this: " Is Remitly a US company? Registered in the U.S.A. Only Remitly, Inc. is not licensed to provide the...
The theory is, Vaccinate and stop the replication, this stops the rate of mutation.
Face shields and double-masking are being advised as provisional response to more contagious varieties of the virus, as identified from the U.K....
Talking pre-quarantine, the FastCraft (locally, pronounced "pass-crap") 5 a.m. from Sibulan downtown port, connecting to a bus at Lilo-an,...
The same for India, mass vaccination beginning today (multiple news reports): You line up at the station and get one of two vaccines, no personal...
There are not many foreigners newly taking up residence in Dumaguete. Who is this troll? Was he (or she) someone previously banned?
By inserts, I suppose he refers to the manufacturer's published description inserted in the box. But the training of staff giving injections will...
I see what you mean. But I'm not sure how to understand the full quote from the Yalie epidemiologist. She (?) seems to be saying that at present,...