No worries blackline. :)
I'm continually perplexed as to why I get quoted and attacked for things I didn't say. I don't recall ever defending current US foreign policy...
I'm Tim. Timn8ter is not a reference to Ahnold but to a Saturday Night Live sketch by Rob Schneider. 50 year old U.S. citizen residing just...
Couldn't let that one slide by eh Richard?:) I don't blame ya. Why do so many people insist on seeing the world in black and white? It's never...
That all sounds great to me. More power to ya!
:D No disagreement here!
Well, TiP is gone (don't discount "reincarnation") but I'd still like to try and clear up something about the term "third world" along with "first...
I thought we were doing fine Richard until you made the above comment which is not a valid argument but a personal attack. I think I was pretty...
I forgot to add hearing what fits your preconceived beliefs then passing judgement while disregarding the rest. Wrong.
It’s increasingly disappointing to watch people simply “buy in” to what the major media is putting out there. If you believe everything they’re...
That comment makes no sense whatsoever.
I didn't feel bad to begin with. That doesn't mean I'm not sympathetic to the plight of the millions of poor people in the world. Rather than...
I'll go with #10
I wasn't disagreeing that a large market adjustment is underway, just your characterization of the event. btw: The Amero is a myth based on a 10...
"every one to whom much has been given, much shall be required" I agree that those with abundance should help less fortunates when they can....
It is true that when you're poor you simply do not have the opportunities that others may have. For most people in the world being poor is not a...
This is exactly the problem. The economy is based on confidence. As long as consumers and investors believe that things are ok they continue to...
There's always someone running around yelling "the sky is falling" and hoping it does so they can say "I told you so". Some of these Chicken...