You guys crack me up. Cheers!
Oh, then it's worse than I thought. You were using "lingo" or "slang" or what may be termed a "colorful colloquialism". That's "funny" too....
When I read The Dude's comment about "speaking funny" I took it to mean he was making fun of people that make assumptions of people based on their...
Sorry, one last thought. Some have suggested that their "complaints" are intended to bring change. If you would like to see change I doubt this...
I’ll add one more posting to this thread then call it quits. I doubt anyone will claim that things are perfect in the Philippines. There have...
I'm going on the assumption that the ship of fools in D.C. will go ahead with a gigantic bail-out for the mess they helped create on Wall Street....
Well said. re:The posting elsewhere about how smoke from a neighbors property was bothersome. I was surprised that this was somehow "new...
Isn't that up to the Filipinos to decide for themselves? Besides, comparing Malacanang to a Western government is erroneous. There are activists...
Don't be too sure. There is oil out there to meet the demand however, it is difficult to reach. Therefore, if the price is not high enough it's...
This is the key phrase: It's not as if the rest of us are senseless. We see the traffic, smell the smoke and hear the noise too. If you're...
I beg to differ. (I'll have to make sure she reads this) Ted's Emporium. Love it. :D
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." - Thomas Paine I completely agree with the...
Maybe. We're entering the cold and flu season in the US. :D I agree with most of your conclusions although I could challenge you a bit on the...
Why are you in such a hurry? It's fun.
Merlin- You started two threads on the same subject. Please stick to one thread per topic. I put my meager contribution on the other one.
Tough questions. I'll try to kick in a couple of centavos worth. On the positive side I've found Filipinas to be loyal, giving, caring and...
Hey Jim. As we are both residents of two nations with huge, bloated governments certainly you can appreciate the Vogons. I'm trying to come up...
The claim of being an author, intellectual, free-thinker and citizen of the world rings hollow when backed only by a prolificacy of writing....
We, the members of the anti-war movement, try hard to gain the attention of our lawmakers and inform our fellow citizens but we're constantly...
What an incredibly horrible sentence.