Not only in manila.... about 12 months ago i saw cans of food in lee plaza with pommie prices on the label
There is usually a very loud cheer from the neighbours :):)
The only reason i moved from Ozamiz.....Blackouts there were part of everyday life..normally 4hrs on then off for anything up to 6...
Whips and chains excite me :happy:
We had kids turn the tap off at the meter, and once turn it three quarters off,took a while to work out why the pressure was worse than...
jack, we give our dog about half teaspoon of tumeric a day with his food, since we statred this no ticks or any other nastys on him.. could be...
not sure jack, but i think he is saying he doesnt have sky....( if its a he )......whats the vote on lol ?
thats one way to save on concrete,and get rid of some rubbish i suppose lol
went to park in lee plaza carpark few days ago, got there bout 9.05am, knowing they open at 9am.. was still chained off so waited for a while,...
every septic tank I have seen in phls has no concrete bottom in it, so the waste soaks away into the ground water.......I would love to be...
Its not finilec but same thing...Roberts tyres near the airport have it
But where are you going to put this power to use here, lol.......imo extra eyes are more benefit here than extra h.p :smile::smile::smile:
HAHA And so it just gets worse..... Police Release Sketch of 1 Kidnapper in Samal Island Abduction - The Insanity Continues -...
Its more fun here allright lol Authorities Issue Wrong Photos of Kidnapped Foreigners in Samal Island - Davao City - Philippines Lifestyle
Which works well, until you have a fire in the house, turn taps on, and no water lol
Sorry to hear that jack......There is a chance,if he was a heavy snorer and stopped breathing while sleeping that he suffered from sleep apnoea....
We had half dozen people come past here couple days ago, they were volunteers from the uni they said....picking up rubbish on the side of the...
Yolanda Victims Told to Sign Emergency Shelter Assistance Benefits Even After Receiving Nothing at All - Philippines Lifestyle I don't spose...
yep, thanks all......but i took the camera back to aus when we went bout 4 months ago....took it to dick smiths where i bought it, they sent it...
Be carefull what you wish for jack, this man can move typhoons......We dont want 6 foot of snow on the boulevard :):)