A lot of the problems could be solved if some didnt marry someone 25 or 30 years younger than them, some one say older than their own children or...
helping them is a door once opened, cant ever be closed again
is it a bird ????is it a plane ????.....its been a long 30 days
No thank you, no reason to believe that any other sub division can operate on a level above what I experienced, its the mentality of the...
Wooooo was having some work done on the house recently, so took the family to Aldea close to sibulan for a week , longest month of my life...
matio has them, was looking at them my self, but seem very short, wanna be the elephant man to use them, would need to prop it up, plus not overly...
Hold tough man, give it 6 months and you can have your pick of gaffs for your budget (dont even think of purchasing in a sub-division even if...
now the door on the street is locked until 7am, so have to wait around until opened, then you write your name down, and thats your number, yes it...
They have as much journalistic integrity as a can of beans, as for them to be the first to disseminate the latest situation, they in fact just...
stuck my head by immigration this morning, still only 30 allowed, but now you have to write your name on the sheet outside, that will determine...
she is just releasing this to take the limelight from the jockey, politics never sleeps, just turns over
I was asked for it at 3 establishments today, that pass is from the N.O power brokers and can only be rescinded by them, its not subject to...
Why does any self proclaiming sensible person quote ANYTHING from that garbage FB page
A few weeks ago they were beating their chests, and declaring "tablets for everyone" now they realise the costs involved and that most of the...
I think the man doesnt want to put his faith in a 3rd world postal system, that has no accountability and considering its a legal document, trying...
Thank you for the input, you are just reinforcing the info that is dawning on me, location wise, traffic wise and a few other drawbacks, that neck...
Attack or Defend ??
In a former life (22 to 39) i was a master teaching professional, but no need for it here, ( do a little of it in China, but foreigners are still...
yes thanks, that was on my list for sure , as golf is a big yes for me but here its a big no
where in the Philippines to retire to other than Negros or Siqijour. Im only 47 so a few years before it happens, but what ever gra (love) I had...