My answer: I did it here in the Philippines at the end of 2016. No Questions about income only, if our marriage is a happy one.
I cannot agree, that it is difficult to get 13A as a spouse of a filipino / filipina and you never must show any riches or saved money. And after...
What is a BB please and for what is it good or needed?
The Passport-Production takes only 10 to 14 days, but 3 months ago it was sooooooooo hard to get a slot, I spend 7 nights to get a slot and when...
I have been in Adamo, yesterday with 4 persons, so I could also taste a bit the food of my friends, I must say, it is high class, 5 stars or more,...
Please tell the reasons, because all people I know, rave about it.
Oh, oh, oh, I was in Holy Child in Dumaguete City and asked the doctors of Endoscopy, if they master the simple methods: Ligationby...
what I like in the Philippines: [MEDIA]
What do you mean with "to go home", where is your home?
What I love so much also in the Philippines is, that the young beautiful Filipinas always have a smile for you, even if you are old and not...
I like, what you wrote, but as here are so many nationalities, I would like it, if no abbreviations would be used. I agree, but if you like to...
I like so much that the Filipinos are so connected with music, so like to dance and sing. Even the sellers sing and the cashiers sing sometimes.
In the point "without conditions" I agree but not at all in the point "without expectations", because of course you expect that the recipient is...
I think Filipinas are generally more caring and grateful than Western women for anything you give them good.
Members Tab>Staff Members Tab>Click on Staff Member's Name>Information Tab>Start a Conversation Direct link to Staff Member Page: Notable Members...
Typically threads cannot deleted after 15 minutes of being created. However, special consideration can be made on a case by case basis. If you...
Hi, I can compare 3 Lawyers, and one of them is the only best....Atty Dirkie Palma. He is friendly, smart, knowledgeable, economical and has a...
Yes I will, in Germany also Dermatologists can have this Subspeciality "Proctology".
In Germany both INTERNAL MEDICINE and SURGERY can have this Subspeciality, Proktology, the difference is, that the surgeons like to slice and cut...
Thanks I will try it.