More like despoiled. steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder: "the church was despoiled of its marble wall...
I had an American Standard (which wasn't by any stretch of the imagination) and a Hanabishi. I would buy Hanabishi again.
Yes, there should have been nothing to spoil as there is enough needy people. Anything likely to spoil or not tinned should have been handed out...
I like the idea. I think it may be more hassle but you might be able to expand your customer base by accepting text orders.
It cost more to get fans with bearings instead of bushings but I think it's worth it over the long haul. If I ever decide I'm going to stay in one...
The question is would that be bringing down the 5% of the Philippines that has a pot to p*ss in and a window to throw it out of? Or the 95% who...
Headphones may be in order. You can block most of the light also if you try.
I'm fairly certain the US didn't tell S&P to downgrade the US own credit rating and I doubt the US told them to downgrade the Philippines credit...
Nice to see someone close the circle and tell what they eventually decided on. Be safe.:thumbsup:
S&P downgraded the US credit rating also if you will recall.
Surplus vehicles that come to the Philippines are considered "new" to the Philippines. Might be one of those.
I wouldn't be so certain that no rules were broken if he forged doctors notes, which he may well have.
I made a few visits there and liked it. I have recommended Bayawan City to others.
Nope. Posted so you can see how someone turning states evidence gains credibility by naming everyone involved. It shows they know what they are...
You could always save the plastic bags for recycling. I have seen bales of waste plastic being loaded on trucks in Duma.
Dave added the drug component to the story. Did you read the story? Case wide open.
If he forged doctors notes I don't think he was just exploiting a loophole. If it was just vacation time, why not just take it instead of...
At least the criminals paraded against her name the names of all involved. Not just one person. It gives them credibility. [MEDIA]
This is how it's done, you name everyone involved. It gives you credibility. Unlike the supposed "hitman". [MEDIA]
Like I said, Duterte has a strange sense of humor. He might have just claimed that for the benefit of the gullable. Or was using it like parents...