Not buying it. This guy has been floating around awhile. Why wait until now to trot him out? They tortured him then let him live? That doesn't...
I agree. Tourism provides an influx of cash that can't all be siphoned off by the rich. The working poor actually get a shot at some of the...
I like the way the converse canvas breathe. As a kid I wore the converse suede because they didn't make my feet break out and while not cheap,...
I can't find where I quoted Stevehigg? I was talking about the US G.
Funny thing, you support Marcos you are the bad guy, you don't support Duterte who people are trying to say is the the new Marcos, you are the bad...
Frankly, the SF have needed to leave for a long time because if they have not passed on the knowledge that the army needs by now, they are never...
I suppose you can't complain about the food either then. Watch out for Foodnet then in that case.
How is the poll doing?
I question whether that would really rise to the level of defamation?
I hear you Dave. It will have to come from another Filipino. Surely they are not all pleased with the situation? 25% may be too many anyway, I...
Crazy talk Jack! The assistant pilot just has to copy the numbers to input, who would think he could screw that up? I doubt anyone was checking up...
Right, and once again, Do you know Izzy? Were you there eating with him? Izzy didn't start a thread about the restaurant so I doubt it is a...