@AlwaysRt I am on a visitor visa. A few years ago I tried leaving Manila for Texas. I did not have my photo on my exit clearance. I MISSED MY...
Watch for PAGCOR really soon!
Do not count on getting an exit clearance at the airport. Trust me it does not work that way anymore. I went to Cebu and it only took 3 hours...
That little pool is in pristine condition. It takes allot of work to keep it that way. You were told the cost so why argue the point after the...
A philosophy anyone can live by. We can't always get what we want but sometimes we get what we need!
I too am surprised this happened and wonder why if they had, taken this up with the owner and not on this forum? I know these owners and they...
Some things happen that you cannot planned for. Running out or not taking certain medications, being robbed and so on. It happens back in our...
If Duterte gave that order who would they have left to govern the country?
Along with any economic growth there was still rampant corruption. So much so that the UN has said they will no longer offer any help again even...
First, Colombia is spelled with an O not a u! I live there for 3 years. I love the country, its people and the culture. But if you don't speak...
I have to say she is not very responsive. Either on vacation or she does not answer her phone.
I use to live out that way and had to move because of the stench from the dumb. They are always burning trash there too. Problem is the plastic...
I have been in the large jewelry store you are talking about. Nothing engraved on the rings to tell you if it is 10k and so on. I looked all...
As with everything in life we need to use moderation. I too have looked into this and digesting a small amount every few days is good for you. I...
Carrots always have great benefits but the main reason I would use them is to dilute the juice from the Aloe Vera. I would also add some...
Can you grow these plants indoors and what is the best way to make them grow fast?
I actually want to use my blender on these plants. A small drink of carrot juice with a little Aloe Vera. Franco
Anyone know where I can buy a few large Aloe Vera plants? Franco
I think it is necessary to split some of expenses into categories. For example, restaurants, alcohol, rent and cooking at home. I have a g/f and...
Now that's another story. And, I have heard some pretty bad behavior from foreigners here towards their workers.