I would suggest the DFA and do a Red Ribbon
My wife is the Procurement Officer for Noreco II Sometime ago she was held to account for overstocking the Stores, much toing and froing on the...
Pat mate, Chocolate is good for post Stroke ***** From a Health Website**** Is dark chocolate good for stroke recovery? Eating dark chocolate...
????? Seems they can't make their minds up
sees rhey can't make their minds up again******[IMG]
Late Information;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[IMG]
John that is a copy of the image you posted
[IMG] :bag:
It would appear that the VP ( Durte) now secretary of DepEd has been asked to intervene as much Money has been paid over to the school with...
Sorry Fat fingers here:pompus:
North or south?
Yes i got over it all, Registered now but thank you for the reply :cigar:
I am having much problem getting this new App from PNB set up and enrolling, is anyone else having a problem with Enrolling ( especially the...
No Pork products from CEBU so little or no Bacon
Problem may be that the Higher the land the Lower the water table, They need to find the water table, Do you not have a nearby neighbour that has...
just in guys***** 1 Pound sterling equals 70.13 Philippine peso*****:pompus:
I would like please to read your source for this? I was recently denied this opportunity :hmmm:
I have no further news at all apart from he will be cremated Tomorrow 19th at 2 pm at the Haven crematorium