It is really difficult to say how your house was built and there are a couple different methods for doing suspended ceilings with a concrete deck....
You need a ceiling fan box made for suspended ceilings; I did a quick search on Lazada and they don't carry anything close. You could make...
Dave...I wish I had an answer, our goal on the farm is to grow naturally, which means no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. My family will be...
Here's another pic that shows one of the drainage canals. Shawn
Got the wife to take some pics of some of the different peppers...after she picked all the ripe peppers, so all on the plants are green. Shawn
Keep working on spreading rice hulls and mudpress. Pretty tough right now with the lack of rain, but things are growing OK. I didn't get too...
We went ahead and just spread out all the backfill over the existing area; a lot of work and I'll need to build a very long retaining wall towards...
Dave...eventually, for veggies we will have concrete raised beds in a 1,500 square meter area where each raised bed will be enclosed with a roof...
I hope Karma sorts most of these guys out...
I was going after them with a torch, seems to work as well as unwanted weeds. I have a larger torch that I brought last time I was home, just...
We've gotten 20 truck loads of the sugar cane waste delivered so far (around 120 cubic meters), plus a bunch of rice hulls and some sawdust....
Yeah, there are some folks that should not be allowed to live outside their home country... Shawn
I'm not sure what John's point is, but have seen things personally that makes me need to put my POV in. How many times has it needed to be said...
Hello lovely wife has been going after the mudpress, rice hulls and vermicompost when available. House in Tanjay, farm in
The wife has gotten some rice hulls and is working on over 100 cubic meters of the sugarcane waste (mudpress); a few trucks have been delivered so...
Thanks Dave, always appreciate your input.
Too bad you deleted your post as I thought it was pretty good and think we have similar views on chemical fertilizers...I read it but had to run...
We don't plan to go too crazy with goat numbers, mostly as how much space they need vs how much bagged feed you need to keep them happy and...
Dave...that does bring up a point that I have actually been thinking a bit about; I haven't found worms on the farm but have dug them up in the...