Ask any Filipino where the English language originated and they will tell you it is from the US, I've even asked Schoolteachers there that...
Hes nae an Englishman! but a Scotsman frae Aberdeen OK Mr CB, I stand corrected on this and perhaps when used as a descriptive word concerning...
Hoots Mon! yer nae sae gid at the spelling yersel pitting a Z in bastardisation, even that Swiss Fecker Noo and Again got it richt? You seem to...
My Son is 5yrs soon to be 6 and I will be over there for his Birthday early Dec, I'm hoping to get him and his Mum over here to Scotland, I had...
I'm not so sure your Boy will be missing out on much? there is 3 ways to do a job, the right way, the wrong way or The Pinoy way, this way is the...
The Peter I knew is highly unlikely to be to be on any social media group, that would just not be his thing? I do wonder even if he was how to you...
I remember a Peter of that description he used to get around all the bars as long as they sold Beer for P60 or less, he was fairly tall and slim...
Sorry Del I gave this a funny rating, this is not just funny to me it is Fecking hilarious, but I guess I am on my own here? reading this and the...
John don't kid people on that is you in the Pic tall dark and handsome, just tell the truth you are an ugly bald headed Fecker
John I do not see this as a major problem, all the affected CHB Schools are down in Fecking England?
I do wonder if an inner tube from a car or truck wheel would do the trick, I cannot see any reason for it not to?
The chances of getting what to us from the western world is an every day item are slim to none, I would imagine you only need a small amount, if...
I also have morning stiffness in the right places, but once I have a pee it has gone.
Maybe I am missing something here? but I don't see any real problem with this? of course there will be 10 UK health and safety rules broken, but...
I attended this same Hospital with pains in my knees, I had all the tests one could imagine wracking up quite a Bill this including an MRI,...
The other day I had an Ex-pat ask me, if there was a Builder I could recommend, in the DGTE area, to this I replied that I only know one and it...
Many years ago I had read a Book concerning the Riders of the Tour, in this it said their average lifespan was 56yrs, I was shocked by this until...
Or one for the School playground?
I have had bad eyesight from a very early age I was around 6 or 7yrs when this was first noticed, to correct this I needed to have Specs with very...
Hoots Mon! 'A' dinnae ken onything aboot that?